He’s taller than the host, with medium brown hair that has a tinge of gray in it. It’s cut short on the sides but longer on the top to just part on the side. Not a single hair is out of place. He’s panty-melting gorgeous and tiger-like dangerous. I’m not a fool, despite my current situation. Life kicks you one too many times and sends you down paths you don’t expect.

“Isn’t that what someone tells you before they kidnap you?”

He releases a soft, yet deep chuckle that reverberates from his chest almost mockingly. “I suppose that’s true, but in this situation, it’s not really kidnapping because I’m just saving the time and trouble of the auction.”

I take a step back, banging my thigh into the chair behind me. “I can’t just go with you because you’re picking me, Mr.—”

“King,” he says, taking my hand in his with the slightest of touches, holding it as if it’s precious. The sensation is too powerful to pull away even though he’s not using all his strength.

I do my best to fight the racing pleasure shooting through my fingers and up my arm. “Interesting. So you think you rule everyone,” I challenge, hoping to resist the automatic magnetic lure he is having on me.

He chuckles, which I find strangely appealing. Still, I try to ignore it. “Not everyone. However, it’s not the only reason you’re leaving with me. It’s because I’ve made it so. You won’t need to worry about your finances, Magnolia.”

“You know my name?” I ask, wondering how he learned it so quickly.

“Of course I know the name of the woman I’m going to marry.” My head moves side to side, shaking because that’s not what I’ve signed up for.

“Marry?” I choke out. He must be so freaking mistaken because this Christmas auction has nothing to do with marriage. I didn’t sign up for that, no matter how hot he is. “You’ve mistaken this event for something it’s not.”

“I assure you I have not mistaken anything. However, I’m known to get my way, and I’ve decided that I want you as my wife.” He waves his hand as he continues speaking, but my ears begin to ring. “It will be temporary, of course, but only after you’ve produced an heir for me.” And that’s where he loses me, and I lose consciousness.

Chapter Three


Her eyes roll back in her head, and then her body goes limp.

“Fuck.” I catch her before she ever falls to the floor. Perhaps I should have taken that a little slower, but I don’t have much time and my desire to get her in bed wars with all damn common sense. Holding her in my arms only solidifies my resolve. Her young, supple body with her perfect curves is stirring something inside that I don’t want to control.

I’ve already addressed the host and demanded that he give her to me before the auction or I’ll rip his balls off. He didn’t appreciate my threat, but as it stands, I won’t take no for an answer. The thought of Magnolia going on stage sets my teeth on edge, so I paid him more than he deserves, but not more than she is worth. It’s certainly more than any of what these bastards are planning on paying for these women, but I refuse to let her go on stage for other fuckers to gawk at what belongs to me.

Her red dress was like a damn laser sight in the dark. I spotted her from across the room and focused on the natural beauty. She had caught the interest of several others as well. I’d recognized several of the faces and would not forget their interest either. If they even approached her, I’d tear their limbs from their sockets.

When the emcee approached her and kissed her hand, I felt like pouring hydrochloric acid down his throat and watching it scald his insides. My stomach burned to witness her smile at him. The second her eyes met mine, my men took that fuck out of the room. He’ll be dealt with by the end of the night. Therewas no mistaking his intent and the host would have to replace the piece of shit.

Within a matter of minutes, I had everything I wanted in the palm of my hand, and the little Magnolia Hill now belonged to the King.

I carry her out of the hall to the grand staircase that rivals my own like a battle warrior who had won his conquest. I climb the stairs to the second floor, and my dazed fiancée stirs, eyelashes fluttering as she stares up at me. “Oh my,” she sighs, her free hand reaching to clutch my suit lapel, clinging to safety.

“Relax. I won’t drop you,” I say, pressing her closer to my chest.

“Where are you taking me?” Her voice, filled with shock, is so soft and sweet.

“To my suite,” I tell her the truth. It’s the easiest of all the answers I can give her. So much of my life won’t be something she’ll want to know about. Everything I keep from her will be for the best. “Calm yourself. Tonight, I’ll only take what you give me.” As I walk toward my door, my two guards are waiting for me. They take their key and unlock my room.

“Will you need anything from us, Mr. King?”

“Not for the rest of the evening.” I’ve asked them to address me as Mr. King instead of “Boss” in front of my wife, which is their usual go-to. I don’t want her to freak out until the ink is dry and she’s locked in my estate.

I set her down in the middle of the entranceway to the suite and turn on the lights. “Wow, I thought these rooms would be incredible, but they are truly amazing.”

“I’ve never seen anything more beautiful,” I confess, staring right at her. From the moment I spotted her, I knew she’d be the woman I select as my wife. Without a doubt,Magnolia is the most enchanting woman. She turns to look at me and blushes to see I’m talking about her.

“So am I supposed to call you Mr. King as well?”

“No, Magnolia. You, beautiful, can call me Killian.”

“Killian. So, I must have had too much wine downstairs, but I could have sworn you said you wanted me to marry you.”