Page 31 of Blaze & Ajax

The article also stated that no matter the role, it required you to be vulnerable. Ugh. That part was hard for me. After Mom died and my sister took off, it took forever to get my strength back… sort of.

I wasn’t sure I could do all this for him. Maybe I could have sex and dominate him, but having a full-blown relationship with him and doing this? No way.

Regardless, I had a lot to think about, which would be moot if he never came back.

I walk into hisoffice, still bruised from my car accident. I’m in huge trouble for totaling my car and driving drunk, but I’m not afraid. In fact, I’m more curious than anything to see what sort of punishment is in store for me. Mom’s punishment is ignoring me, even when I’m not bad. She punished me for simply existing.

He’s sitting in a leather wingback chair, a leg crossed over his knee.

“Have a seat, Aiden.”

“Where’s Mom?” I ask.

“She can’t make it.”

“Of course not. She’s never available. What’s it this time? A life-saving manicure? Out to cure cancer with her hairstylist?”

He ignores my clear resentment toward my mother. “Your car is totaled. She’s not happy about that.”

“Fuck her and her happiness.”

His eyes narrow, and he frowns, but he just sits there, hands loosely folded in his lap—a man of poise and refinement. He exudes power and control. He’s everything I’m not. I absolutely worship him, the only fatherly figure in my life.

“You just got your driver’s license two months ago, and you’ve already trashed your car while driving drunk. If you were an adult, a DUI could land you in jail for up to a year. But since you’re only sixteen, you will lose your license for two years.”

I winced as I sat up. “But—”

“You’re lucky you didn’t get more than just some bruising. You’re even more lucky you didn’t kill someone.”

“But, you’re a lawyer. You can—”

“I won’t get you out of this, legally speaking. You’ve been reckless long enough.”

“What do you plan to do, then?”

“Set you back on the right path.”


This would be the first time I got any sort of punishment. I’m oddly excited about it. Any attention was good attention. Being punished meant someone cared about my well-being or whether or not I did the right thing.

“You are clearly desperate for direction and attention. I can give you what you want.”

“Okay.” If my mom won’t give it to me, at least he will.

“Good. I like your eagerness to fix things, Aiden.”

I weirdly preen at his praise. “What do you plan to do?”

“We’re going to start with your punishment. I’m going to break you down and build you back up.”

Breaking me down?I thought.How?

He uncrosses his legs and pats his thighs. “Drop your pants and underwear and lay across my lap.”

I’m suddenly nervous and tense. “Wait… you’re not going to fucking spank me, are you?”

“Language,” he hisses in a low growl. “You will not swear around me. And you will do as you’re told. If you insist on behaving like a child, you will be punished like one.”