Page 92 of Deuce

She laughed. “I’m just saying. He’s being very husband like right now. A new car in your name and he paid off your mama’s house and medical bills? Marry me, please.”

I rolled my eyes as she climbed into the car. I’d been all smiles all day long. I couldn’t believe this damn man. Telling him no was basically giving him the green light to do whatever he wanted. Still, the way he listened to my needs and desires gave me butterflies.

As I backed out of the parking lot, Shar busied herself with messing with the features of the fully loaded car. She had to touch every button and open every compartment. When she opened the armrest, she gasped.



Reaching inside, she pulled out a stack of money with a note attached. I hit the brakes as we came to a stop sign. Pulling the note from the cash, I read it.

Because you never have to ask. — Deuce

Itook the money from her, surprised to see that it was yet another ten racks.

“Shar… what am I gonna do with him!”

“Um, say thank you and go deposit that shit. Suddenly I have a taste for something expensive for lunch.”

I laughed. “Oh really? I guess since you’re my girl, I got you. Oooo we can go to the place he took me and his mama for lunch. The food was so worth the money. I will warn you, it’s not alot of us that frequent there.”

“Girl, I’m not worried about that. I code switch at work all the time. Those hoes swear I went to Bel-Air Academy.”

I laughed as I pulled off from the stop sign. We headed to restaurant, pulling up about ten minutes later. The parking lot was pretty full, but surprisingly, we were able to be seated promptly. We ordered or drinks and food before settling into casual conversation.

“So how are things with you and Mace?” I asked.

“I think I like him more than I care to admit. I’m not trying to put my heart in the hands of a man that only wants to fuck me, Salima.”

“Well, I thought you only wanted to fuck him, too?”

“I did at first, but just kicking it with him the past couple of weeks, I realized we have alot in common. Girl, even my ratchet ass daddy likes him.”

“Wait, he met Uncle Paul already?”

“You know my daddy randomly pops up at my apartment to bring me money.”

“Spoiled ass.”

She shot me a middle finger. “Anyway, Maceo was over the other night when he showed up. I was in the bathroom andwhen I came out, the two of them were on my couch, passing a blunt back and forth and laughing and talking like they were old friends. They got to talking about sports and shit and completely ignored me.”

“Not Uncle Paul stealing your man!”

“Right, knowing he’s never that damn friendly. I had to make him leave.”

I had to laugh at her. “Let him make a friend, boo.”

“He can make a friend his own age. Now every time I talk to him, he has to ask me about the nigga with the good weed.”

I covered my mouth to keep from laughing out loud. That sounded like Uncle Paul. I loved that man. He was never anything but himself and you had to respect it.

We continued talking while we ate, mostly about the Dillinger brothers. Shar and I did everything together, so both of us being interested in them wouldn’t come as a surprise to anybody. When her lunch hour neared the end, I paid the bill, and we left the restaurant. After dropping her back off, I went by the bank to deposit the remaining cash into my account before heading home to take a nap before it was time for me to head to work myself.

Seven rolled around before I knew it and the next thing I knew, I was pulling into the parking lot of the lounge. As I got out of my car, and started walking in, I was met with a few stank eyes from the other girls. I was so tired of these bitches. It didn’t matter that I stayed out of the way. I came to work, made my money, and minded my business.

Yet still, my name was always in somebody’s mouth or somebody’s eyes were rolling in my direction. I brushed it off as I strutted into the building. After placing my things in my locker, I went upstairs to Deuce’s office. His car was in the parking lot, so I knew he was here. Lightly, I tapped on the door.

“Come in.”