“It’s yours. Paid for and in your name. The title is in the glove compartment. Insurance is covered so you don’t have to worry about that either.”
I looked from him to my mama. She stood with her arms crossed, staring at the car. When her eyes met mine, she smiled softly.
“Well, tell the man thank you, Salima,” she said, gesturing to him.
I didn’t hesitate to make my way into Deuce’s arms, hugging him tightly as I cried. Nobody had ever done something so thoughtful for me. It was one thing for a man to buy his woman a car, but to put it in her name? That said he had no intention of taking it back.
“Thank you, baby,” I said, cupping his face.
I didn’t care that my mama was right there. I kissed him softly and with intention.
He chuckled. “Alright, now. You better stop. I’m trying to be respectful in front of your mama.”
I playfully slapped his chest. “Hush.”
“Go on and take a look.”
I wasted no time unlocking the beautiful car and climbing inside. A huge smile played on my face as I touched the soft leather seats. I’d never seen something so sexy! I looked up to motion for my mama to come take a look when I spotted Deuce handing her an envelope.
She looked confused as she slowly took them. I watched as she opened. As she read whatever was printed on it, her hand flew to her chest and then mouth. She looked up at him in disbelief. I climbed out of the car just as she flung her arms around him, hugging him tightly as she cried.
“What’s going on?”
My mother couldn’t speak through her tears. She handed me the papers. As I read over them, my expression mimicked hers. This man had paid off our mortgage and my mother’s medical bills.
“Deuce!” I screamed. “How… when… oh my God!”
He chuckled as he stepped back and shoved his hands in his pockets.
“I know the way my family takes care of things is unconventional, but we’ve always taken care of our own people. Listening Grams expressed how much your dad was like family made me think. I never met him and I’m not even sure he would have cared for me dating you. If my people can vouch for him, the least I can do is make sure his girls were straight. I know how Salima feels about you, Mrs. Navarro. I love my mama and I’d want somebody to make sure she was straight if I couldn’t or if I wasn’t here to do that.”
My mother was crying profusely at this point. I kept staring at the letter in shock. I just knew we were gonna be burdened with these two major bills for years to come. I didn’t mind when it came to my mama, but I couldn’t say that this wasn’t a huge weight lifted from our shoulders.
“Thank you,” my mother whispered, grabbing his hands. “Thank you.”
“No thanks is needed. Salima is my baby. Whether she likes it or not, as long as she’s mine, she’ll never have to struggle.”
Listening to him say that had me wanting to suck the skin off his big, pretty dick. As soon as I could get him alone, he would get a proper thank you.
“I have some legit business to attend to, but I’ll see you at work tonight,” Deuce said.
I nodded. “Okay.”
Leaning in, he kissed me softly before going to my mother and kissing her cheek.
“Y’all take the car for a spin. Drive like you have some sense, Salima.”
I rolled my eyes. “Bye, Stanley.”
He grinned as he backed away and walked off to his car. I was gonna need another shower because he had no idea how hot and bothered I was right now.
“Biiiiitch! This shit is niiiiice!” Shar sang, as she approached my car.
When I told her about what Deuce had done, she insisted I come by and scoop her up for lunch today. Since I didn’t have to work until later, I decided to obliger her.
“Girl, you better suck that man’s dick so good his ancestors cum.”
“Oh my God, Sharina!”