That made me laugh out loud. “I can’t with you.”
“Seriously, I hope we grow old and die peacefully. There is no Sharina without Salima. You keep me level-headed cause you know a bitch likes to pop off.”
“Oh, I know.”
“I love you, sis.”
“I love you, too.”
She kissed my forehead and loved on me just like she did when my father died. Before long, I was drifting off to sleep in her arms.
After being cooped up in the house for days, I finally decided that I was going to get out and get some fresh air. My classes were starting tomorrow, and I needed to go get my books and supplies. I was excited to get back into school. I needed to feel like I was doing more with my life besides working to pay bills.
Now that the burden of mortgage payments and medical bills were lifted, it was time to build toward my own future. In my downtime, I worked on a business plan to keep my mind off of what happened. I had a clear vision of what I wanted and how I wanted to execute it. I just needed my degree to get the ball rolling.
I stepped out of the shower, died off, and wrapped my body in a towel.
Stepping over to the mirror, I wiped it off so I could do my face routine. The slight bruising had diminished to nothing, and my face was free and clear once again. Once that and my oral hygiene was taken care of, I went back into my room to get dressed. Much to my surprise, when I opened the bathroom door, there sat Deuce on my bed.
In the week and a half since I’d been back at my mother’s, he hadn’t stepped foot in my room, per my request. I guess today was the day he decided he was done with that shit. Knowing him, I expected him to completely disregard that sooner, so I had to give him credit. He was fully dressed in all black from head to toe, looking as handsome as ever.
“Hey,” he said softly.
I stood there awkwardly like this wasn’t the man I loved. I hadn’t touched him or kissed him in all this time. I missed him, but remained planted in my spot. He stood and made his way over to me.
“Salima, I can’t take this shit much longer. How long am I supposed to go without seeing you when we’re in the same house? I know your mama is getting sick of me sleeping on her couch.”
My mother, in fact, wasnotsick of him being here. She’d grown to like Deuce. I could hear them talking and laughing when she was here. I knew for a fact that he’d been cooking for her, too. I could always tell the difference in a meal he made versus one she prepared herself. One day, I snuck out of my room and peeked around the corner to find them watching her soap operas together and the man was into it.
I shrugged. “I just need some time, Stanley.”
“Baby, I’m giving you time, but you are my woman. I’m supposed to be the nigga taking care of you.”
“You’ve done enough.”
I slipped past him and went to my dresser to find something to wear since I hadn’t taken all my clothes with me when I moved out.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” he asked, following me.
“Exactly what I said. You’ve done more than enough for me. If it wasn’t for you, I wouldn’t be standing here. I don’t blame you for this. I just need to get my head together.”
“Then we can do that together.”
“No, Deuce!” I yelled. “I want to be alone!”
“Ain’t no being alone. The fuck you think this is? I love you. You’re going through some emotional shit, and you want me to leave you alone? Fuck that.”
“This is your problem. You don’t know when to step back.”
“From you? No, I don’t. I don’t know what kind of niggas you’re used to, but I ain’t one of them. I don’t run from shit and nobody, especially not you. I’m here whether or not you like it.”
“Then maybe we need to take a break.”
He looked at me like I’d just slapped him across the face. Hurt and anger danced in his eyes as he stepped closer to me.
“You breaking up with me?” he asked.