Page 100 of The Rescue

“Fine, but I’m coming back for New Years Eve.” I pout.

It’s not the way I wanted to tell him that I wanted to come back, but the stress of the night has worn me thin. A small smirk spreads across his face and he tries to hide his excitement.

“Do you want to come back for New Years or because you want to help with this mess?”

“I want to come back for New Years, I’ve been trying to find the right time to tell you, and I thought tonight would’ve been perfect.”

His smirk turns into a large smile, and my heart melts to see him so happy when his home and business have been smashed to bits.

“You really want to come back?” It’s more of a statement than a question.

“Yes, because I’m foolishly in love with you.” I admit.

My bold statement stops him in his tracks and the large smile falters a little bit, and I worry I’ve come on too strong. But he wraps me in his arms, squishing Edie into our chests.

“I love you too. I never thought I would get to hear those words, but fuck, they sound so good.” He kisses me softly.

Hearing him say those words back to me should’ve freaked me out, but they made my heart soar, and the giddiness in me builds. We’re in love and I don’t care who knows it.

A small meow comes from Edie and we both ease up to give her some breathing space. The soft genuine smile on his face makes me want to tell him how much he means to me, but the thing is with Rabbie and I, we don’t need to confess our love for one another with words. I feel it, I see it. I never thought two people with very dysfunctional views on relationships would end up falling for one another. I feel very blessed to have met a man like him. He makes me feel like a goddess by just the way he looks at me. We look after each other in so many different ways, we compliment each other with strengths and weaknesses.

Edie nudges her head against me with a soft purr, and Rabbie smirks at me.

“What?” I look at him with curiosity.

“I never thought I’d see the day that you would actually hold her.” He reaches out for Edie.

I pass her to him and she nuzzles into his arms.

“I don’t know what you mean, I love Edie.” I try to act cool about his observation.

A laugh escapes his mouth, and it takes me by surprise.

“Come on, I saw your face the day you met her. It didn’t exactly scream‘I love cats’.”He keeps laughing.

I’m left speechless. I didn’t think I was that obvious, but clearly Rabbie can read me like a book. I face the facts and decide that honesty is the best policy between us. I reach forward and cover Edie’s ears.

“Truth is, I hate cats. But, I love her now.” I quickly say before she can hear me.

Rabbie keeps smiling and I’m glad this is brightening his mood.

“I think she loves you too.”

Edie meows perfectly on time, and we both start laughing. Rabbie looks around his room again, but his smile doesn’t disappear.

“When you come back for New Years, I would love your input on decorating the flat.” He grabs my hand.

“Why? You did such a perfect job at decorating your flat.”

“My flat, yes. But, this will be our flat. I want you to have some say in it too.” He kisses me on the cheek.

When I thought I couldn’t fall more in love with this man, I do.

Our flat.

“Are you asking me to move in with you, Rabbie MacNee?”

“I think I did three months ago, but aye, officially. What do you think?”