“Mate, I’ve called the police, they’ll be here soon, but they’re in the next town over.” Cam claps his hand on Rabbie’s shoulder.
Rabbie nods at Cam but he doesn’t quite register, I think he’s in shock.
“Oh Rab, I’m sorry,” Fiona gives him a hug.
Rabbie’s mum and nan have finally joined the growing crowd outside the cafe, and the look and both of their faces tells me everything I need to know. Rabbie’s dad is the scum of the earth. The selfish prick has taken too much from Rabbie, he couldn’t just walk away.
Rabbie is swept away by people offering their sympathy, and the anxiety of not being able to do anything overcomes me. We don’t know the extent of the damage, and if it’s safe to go inside the cafe, but I suddenly realise that the most important thing to Rabbie is still in there. He must be in shock if he didn’t think of it first. I find myself running towards the door of the cafe before anyone notices that I’ve gone and can follow me.
I rush through the cafe, the broken glass crushing underneath my feet as I make my way inside. I try not to look at the damage but it’s worse than I thought. All the tables and chairs have been thrown around and broken, the walls have been spray painted and the register with a smaller glass display has been smashed. I feel my heart breaking the further I make my way into the cafe. I enter Rabbie’s kitchen, and find all his ingredients and Christmas orders have been thrown on the floor and squashed. I don’t want Rabbie to see this, his heart would break to see the hatred and coldness that his dad has done.
At the bottom of the stairs leading up to his flat, I stare up the dark stairway, and notice the door to his flat has been kicked in. The darkness is enough to make me turn around, but I swallow the fear and push myself to go upstairs. I don’t know if Rabbie’s dad is still here, he could be upstairs waiting, but that’s a risk I’m willing to take. I slowly and quietly make my way up the stairs and into the flat, the night is so still, and I can hear my own heartbeat. I creep down the hallway, and peer into my room. My clothes have been strewn around, and it sends a shiver down my spine knowing he’s touched my things. I take a deep breath and push on to Rabbie’s room, I open the door to find his bedroom has been trashed. How is Rabbie ever going to recover from this? This was his safe space, he took great pride in his bedroom, and knowing his dad was the one to do this makes me feel sick.
The lamps have been smashed, and the bed sheets ripped up. I notice the little black recipe book thrown on the ground. I quickly pick it up and shove it down the front of my dress. I scan the room but I can’t find her,Edie. She usually sleeps on his bed. My heart aches to think of how scared she was when Rabbie’s dad came barging in trashing the place. I hope he didn’t take her, Rabbie would be devastated if he did.
“Edie” I whisper out.
Nothing. I start to panic, and think the worst. Please let her be here.
“Edie,” I whisper again.
I hear a shuffle and I instantly freeze in fear, my heart picks up and I start to break out in a sweat. I squeeze my eyes shut and pray that I’m just hearing things. I feel something brush up against my leg and I jump three feet in the air. My heart is beating out of my chest, and the adrenaline prickles my skin. I look down at my feet and see two big yellow eyes staring up at me. Edie rubs her head up against my leg again and lets out a soft meow. I clutch my chest and the rush of relief is almost too much, I scoop up my new found friend and kiss her head. I never thought I would be kissing this cat ever, but I pepper her with them. I think in all this terrible situation, Rabbie will be relieved to know his Edie is okay.
I steady my breath and listen out for anything else but the flat is eerily quiet. I scan the rest of Rabbie’s room and see that a small safe in the bottom of his wardrobe has been pried open and whatever was in there has been taken, my guess is the money from the cafe. I try to tell myself that everything will be okay, I will help Rabbie get through this.
Suddenly there’s heavy footsteps and I panic again, I clutch Edie to my chest. I don’t know if it’s her shaking or me. It’s still dark in the flat. The footsteps stop outside Rabbie’s bedroom door, and I hold my breath.
Rabbie pushes the door open, and the look of worry and panic is enough to make me cry. He doesn’t say anything, he just closes the gap between us and wraps me and Edie in his arms. I relax into him, and breathe him in.We’re safe.
“There was such a commotion outside, it took me a while to figure where you were,” he sighs into my hair.
“What were you thinking?” He questions me.
“Sorry, I had to check if she was okay,” I mutter into his firm chest.
He strokes my back with his large hand and it calms me instantly. He hums in agreement and the vibration from his chest makes me feel so safe. He leans back and checks me over and then gives Edie’s head a scratch, she leans into his touch like I do.
“You keep me on my toes that’s for sure,” he chuckles as he tucks my hair behind my ear.
He looks around at his trashed bedroom and I wish I could make him not see the destruction that lays before him. He frowns and rubs a hand over the back of his neck.
“I’m sorry this has happened,” I grab his hand.
He looks at me and his face softens.
“These things can be replaced, but you and Edie can’t. I’m glad you’re both okay.” He kisses me softly, and I melt into a puddle.
What was turning out to be a perfect evening has been quickly ruined, and I want to make it better but I don’t know how. How can I leave him in two days? I don’t want him to have to deal with this mess alone.
“I’ll stay and help you deal with this. My mama will understand.”
He doesn’t say anything straight away, and I can’t read the expression on his face. I’d thought he’d be happy with my decision, but the way he’s looking at me tells me otherwise.
“I can’t let you do that, mo beag. You need to see your mama, your brothers and your dad.”
“But you’ll need help with the cafe, and the flat.” I try to win my case.
“I’ll have the whole town helping me out, don’t worry. You go home and enjoy Christmas with your family. I’ll be okay.”