Page 79 of The Rescue

Everyone else chirps in with their congratulations, but I look down at Crystal. It’s only her I see. She’s the one who has created the website and elevated my business to the professional standard it needed to be. If it wasn’t for her my life and business would be stagnant. I grab my glass of whisky and raise it and everyone follows.

“To Crystal, I couldn’t have done it without you,” I wink at her.

Only she knows the hidden message in my toast, her green eyes are glossy in the low light of the pub.

“Slàinte,” I say as I take a sip of my whisky.

Everyone else cheers, clinking their glasses together, all the while I’m staring down at the redheaded cowgirl who has changed my world, and for the better. She takes a sip of her drink and melts further into me which I didn’t know was possible. It feels good to be so public with her, and she doesn’t seem to let everyone looking over at us bother her, which I was worried about.

Dylan looks at her best friend with teary eyes. “So, when do you go back to Boston?” She asks Crystal.

I can see how much Dylan has loved having Crystal here and seeing her teary face tells me that I’m not the only one who doesn’t want her to go back to Boston. Crystal looks up at me, and smiles.

“Well, I’m going to stay until I have to go back to Tennessee for the holidays. I know it only a couple of weeks away, but I’m actually enjoying it here,” she tells everyone. She squeezes my hand and looks up at me.

Dylan squeals in excitement and grabs her best friend’s hand across the table. “Oh my god, this is the best news ever! We can bake cookies and watch a Christmas movie before you leave, our little tradition,” she smiles at Crystal.

“Only if it’s Home Alone,” Crystal smiles at Dylan.

“I wouldn’t expect anything different. It’s the only one we watch,” Dylan laughs.

Everyone else laughs, and I can see how much these girls love each other.

“So what does this mean after Christmas?” Fiona asks.

I know she’s not being nosy, she’s curious like everyone else who seems to lean in to that question.

“Well, Crystal is going to plan a launch party for the website in the meantime, and then we’re going to see where things lead after Christmas.”

“Oh, a launch party is a great idea,” Dylan claps.

“Crystal’s idea,” I smile down at her.

Hamish and Fiona beam congratulations at us, but Cam shifts in his seat. He hasn’t said a word the whole time and I’m starting to get worried. He’s not one for words but he’s usually said something by now. His face is hard to read, but then again he always has a sullen face. But it’s his unwillingness to look at me that has me frowning. It looks like he’s still in a grumpymood from last night from when I made a very public display of affection towards Crystal. I know Cam has always had his reservations, hell he even dug his stubborn heels in when he was trying to convince himself that he didn’t like Dylan, and look where that ended up. I try not to let my best friend’s reservations doubt my feelings towards Crystal, but I look up to Cam as a big brother, his support and approval means a lot to me.

The girls are in deep conversation about the launch party when I head to the bar with Cam and Hamish to order another round of drinks. Cam hasn’t said a word since we told the group that Crystal and I are seeing where things lead. Hamish orders our round of drinks with Mac, and we wait by leaning against the bar looking back over at the girls sitting at the table.

“Come on then, spit it out,” I say to Cam.

I can’t bear the silent treatment any longer, and I want to know why he’s being so off about the situation. Cam and I have never had many arguments, only when he was going through a rough time and I had to dump bottles of good whisky down the sink because he was drinking himself silly.

Cam and Hamish’s head snap to me, and by the look on their faces they’re shocked to see me willing to talk about this.

“Nothing,” Cam mumbles.

“Bullshit, you’ve barely said a word since I got here and your face looks like a smacked arse. So, come on out with it. I want to hear it from my best friend.”

Hamish blinks at me, and Cam scratches the back of his head. Usually, I’m never one for confrontation, but this is starting to piss me off. My best friend should be happy for me, but I’ve been met with reservations from him.

“I dunno, I don’t want to see you get hurt. I’ve never seen you this serious about a woman, given your past and that,” Cam shrugs his shoulders.

He looks me in the eyes for the first time since I got here, and I can see the genuine concern for me in them. I crumble at the brotherly bond we have, and I can tell he’s looking out for me, like so many times in the past.

“Aye, I appreciate your concern. But if you can find happiness then so can I.”

I look over at the girls at the table all bunched together on one side of the table, heads together, laughing. Seeing Crystal so happy here makes me realise that I want her to come back after the holidays and never leave.

Cam opens his mouth to protest, but I cut him off.