Page 67 of The Rescue

“Dinny fash, mo beag. I’m not going native,” I laugh.

“Native?” She asks. A confused look spreads across her face, but then she realises what I’m talking about as I undo my kilt.

I let it drop to the floor, she gasps expecting me to be nude underneath. But as I told her I wasn’t going native. The look on her face tells me she’s surprised and a little disappointed to see me in my boxers.

She bites her lip as a small smirk spreads across her face. I don’t know how I’m not hard right now with her standing on the other side of my bed, but seeing her in my room feels comforting. I mean I would love to rip those little pj’s off her and fuck her senseless, but I’m willing to wait because I know she’s worth it.

I peel back the cover and she does the same, not taking her big green eyes off me.

We slip into my large bed, and she lets out a moan as we sink into my soft mattress. I roll over onto my side and loop my armunder her waist and pull her in close to me. A little gasp escapes her lips. Her round arse is pressing into me, and I try to will my mind to not get carried away. I’ve thought about fucking her in every possible way since she’s been here, but I want to take my time with her.

“Sorry your St. Andrew’s day didn’t really happen.” She looks over her shoulder.

“Oh it happened. It was probably the best St. Andrew’s day I’ve ever had,” I kiss her neck.

She laughs as she wiggles under my lips. I love her little laugh, it’s so cute and soft.

“Goodnight, mo beag,” I sigh, into her neck.

“Night, sugar,” she says as she squeezes my hand that’s resting on her stomach.

I don’t know how but I don’t remember falling asleep, usually it takes me a couple tosses and turns. But with her in my bed, I fell asleep straight away.



Did last night really happen?Did Rabbie make me come the hardest I’ve ever come in my entire life with just his mouth and perfect hands. Yes, yes he did. I knew he would be able to do godly things with those beautiful large hands. When he didn’t want to have sex after, which at first made me worry that he was going to pull away again, but when he explained why it made me feel appreciated and respected.

Most of the men I’ve slept with in the past are always in a rush to skip the foreplay and get straight to it. There’s been a handful of men who haven’t lasted long enough to satisfy me, and I’ve had to tell them that I came to not bruise their massive egos.

Rabbie’s different, the way he spoke to me, the way he touched me and the way he looked at me made me feel beautiful. There’s a sense of anticipation about having sex with Rabbie makes my body zap with energy and nerves at the same time. It’sthe drawn out process of overwhelming need for him that has me antsy in a good way.

I never knew that I could wake up so happy, I’m pretty sure I had a smile on my face as soon as I opened my eyes. I stretch my arms over my head and roll over to get the shock of my life. I was expecting to find Rabbie, but instead I find the fluffball lying in his spot. Two large yellow eyes, slowly blink at me. It feels like the cat staring into my soul with those evil yellow eyes. How long has it been watching me sleep? I try to shoo the damn fluffball away, but she doesn’t bat an eye.

Cat’s freak me out, they’re cunning and unpredictable. The cat slowly blinks at me, it’s probably plotting how to scratch my eyes out. Just when I think it’s going to pounce on me, it scurries off somewhere in the flat. I let out a sigh of relief that I don’t have to go face to face with a cat.

I sink back into Rabbie’s bed, it’s so comfortable. The mattress is so soft it’s like sleeping on a cloud. I had the best sleep of my life, his sheets are the softest linen I’ve ever felt, they glide over my legs like butter. I still feel the weight of his large hand resting on my stomach. Sleeping next to him made me feel calm and relaxed. He didn’t move his hand the whole night, he had to be touching me somewhere. I didn’t see that as needy, I saw it as comforting and reassuring.

I stretch my arms above my head, and my legs out long. His sweet, musky scent fills my nose, it’s everywhere, it lingers on the pillows and sheets. I grab his pillow and cover my face with it and inhale. I would be mortified if he caught me, but I can’t resist the temptation. How have I gone from wanting to casually fuck his brains out to sniffing his pillow like some obsessed stalker.

I place his pillow back to his side, and roll over to check the time on my phone. It’s still early, I can see the sun slowly rising through the curtains. I could stay in Rabbie’s bed all day, but I’meager to see him, and I know just the place where I’ll find him. I peel myself out of his ridiculously comfy bed, and make the bed for him. I can tell he takes pride in his things and is a very neat and tidy person. I’m usually a little more chaotic with my things, and would rarely make my bed back in Boston. I grab a change of clothes from my room, and have a shower before I make my way downstairs. I check myself out in the mirror, and fluff my hair up a few times.

The giddiness bubbles away at the thought of him, and it makes me realise that I’m excited to see where this leads with him. I’ve never had this feeling before, little butterflies flutter in my stomach at the thought of Rabbie, and of Crossmackie.

I’ve witnessed time and time again the people of Crossmackie truly adoring Rabbie, and it fills me with something that I didn’t know I could feel. Like I want to be a part of that community. Crossmackie and the people who live here are slowly showing me that not all small towns can be toxic, and that they will always look out for one of their own.

I check myself over one more time before heading downstairs, I’m only halfway down the stairs before I can hear Rabbie’s music coming from the small speaker, and the sweet aroma of scones being baked in the oven. It’s oddly comforting, and fills me with dread at the same time. The thought of going back to Boston is starting to make me feel empty and alone, and I don’t know how to process that right now. I put away the serious thoughts in my head, and tell myself to take it one step at a time.

Rabbie hasn’t noticed that I’m at the bottom of the stairs. He’s mixing another batch of scones and humming away to Cruel Summer by Taylor Swift. A small smirk spreads across my lips. I take this moment to take him in, I love watching him work. He’s such a talented baker, and to see him so passionate and driven about his business is really inspiring.

It’s one of the qualities I find most attractive about him, he’s not boastful about it. He doesn’t need to brag about how good he is, he’s very modest about his success and skills. He doesn’t like to be the centre of attention. He doesn’t need to be flashy about his business, he simply loves to be in his little kitchen, listening to music and baking.

The backdoor of the kitchen is open because it’s always hot as hell in here, the morning light bounces off his beautiful blonde hair. It shimmers gold as clouds of flour puff around him. He’s wearing his apron that shows off his lean sculpted body, and he’s covered head to toe in flour. His forearms are corded from the strain of mixing the ingredients in the large bowl he’s holding in the crook of his arm. I can’t take my eyes off him.

He must sense my presence, and that I’m watching him because he looks up, and a large cheeky smile spreads across his face. Fuck, that smile could literally fix all of my problems.

“Good morning, mo beag.”