“Morning.” I all of a sudden feel slightly shy around him.
He places the large mixing bowl down on the stainless steel island, and my eyes gravitate to it. Vivid flashbacks from last night pop in my head, and the heat flashes up my neck and onto my face as I remember Rabbie between my legs giving me the best orgasm of my life. The way he made me feel wasn’t like anything I’ve ever experienced before, my body is still humming from the intensity.
Rabbie steps round the island, running his fingers over the cold metal surface. He closes the gap between us with a smirk on his face, he knows what I’m thinking. He’s got pretty good at reading my facial expressions. I try to keep a little distance between us because I don’t know where he stands on keeping this professional in front of the others, even though we’re the only people here right now.
“How did you sleep?”
“Amazing, thank you.”
Why am I acting so robotic and awkward, what is wrong with me? My hands are clammy and a nervous sweat breaks out on my back.
He smiles at my awkwardness and steps in closer to me.
“Me too, best night’s sleep I’ve had in a long time. Although, you’re in trouble,” he glances down at me.
“Trouble?” I ask, a little concerned.
“Yeah, I’ve already fucked up a batch of scones this morning because I can’t stop thinking about how sweet you tasted last night,” he drawls in a flirtatious tone. He tucks a strand of hair behind my ear, and skims his hand down my neck.
Holy shit.My knees nearly buckle, and I work hard to swallow but my mouth is dry. From the large smile on his face, it looks like Rabbie is enjoying this all too much. He’s enjoying seeing me blush and act all shy around him. The heat between my legs is making me fidgety, and that pent up frustration slowly builds back up.Didn’t last long.
I’m about to come back with something flirty and witty when we hear Nellie and David enter the cafe from the front. I jump back as if we’ve been caught doing the dirty. Rabbie stays where he was standing, and a small chuckle escapes him. Oh he’s loving this. I narrow my eyes at his smug face, as he wipes the flour from his nose.
“Just you wait,” I quickly warn him before rushing out to the front of the cafe to find my table.
* * *
I manage to get through most of the morning and well past lunch without being totally distracted by the beautiful, blonde haired baker in the kitchen. Rabbie would pop out the front when he got a free minute to check on things. He would give me sly winks and cheeky smirks when I’d look up from my laptop. I tried to ignore him, but his boyish smile is so distracting it’s almost annoying.
I’m making great progress on his website, I don’t know why but I’m stalling a little. I think that’s because I could have this finished in a week or two and then what’s my excuse for sticking around. I’m deep in this thought when Dylan sneaks up on my table.
“Hey,” she smirks at me.
I jump not realising she was there.
“Jesus, warn a girl will you,” I clutch my chest.
“Sorry, you were miles away,” she laughs as she takes a seat across from me.
I close my laptop, and take a sip of my coffee that Nellie brought over not that long ago.
“What are you doing here?” I question her with suspicion.
Dylan waves at Nellie for her usual coffee order with a smile, and then focuses back on me. She wears that look on her face that I know all too well, she’s waiting for me to tell her what happened last night. Usually I tell her all about my sexual endeavours, but last night with Rabbie was something I want to keep private. I don’t know why but his privacy means a lot to me and I want to respect that. I keep a blank face and stare at Dylan, and watch her squirm in her seat before she can’t take it any longer.
“So, are you going to tell me where you and Rabbie went last night?” She wiggles her eyebrows at me.
I force myself to not roll my eyes at her. Dylan can be such a hypocrite sometimes, she would always roll her eyes at me whenever I openly spoke about sex and the guys I’ve hooked upwith. She’s always been shy and conservative, but now look at her looking for the gossip.
I still don’t say anything as Nellie brings Dylan’s coffee over, she thanks her and returns her attention to me. I can see some of the locals craning their necks and I even catch Nellie lingering around our table.Busy bodies, the lot of them.
“I was dancing with Andy Anderson–,”
“Angus,” Dylan corrects me.
I roll my eyes, “Whatever. Anyways, I was dancing with him when Rabbie came over, and we were talking when I didn’t feel well. I’d had a dram of whisky on an empty stomach. He took me outside to get fresh air, and offered to walk me home. He said he’d stay at the flat so I wasn’t alone,” I say matter of fact.
Dylan eyes me with suspicion, she knows me well enough to know that’s a lie. But she doesn’t press any further. She looks at me with a small smirk on her face like she knows something that I don’t. She takes a sip of her coffee, not being able to keep a straight face.