The medic snorted. “You got a medical degree tucked in there with your acting credentials, Laraway?”
Brandon’s grin changed to full flirt mode. “I’ve got lots of great things tucked away.”
The medic laughed. “Nice distraction, hot shot, but we’re going to rely on our expertise this time. Someone has the knife?”
Arrow held it up in an evidence bag. “Right here. I’ve called for someone to do a test on it asap.”
Because it might carry bacteria or poison. Unable to help himself, he kissed Kimi’s temple again.
Another medic arrived and took over Kimi’s job of putting pressure on the wound. “We know Brandon’s blood is clean, but get those hands washed and sterilized.”
“Status.” Shirisha’s voice was calm but tight.
“I’m good, boss.”
She raised an eyebrow. “How about an opinion from someone with a medical degree?”
Brandon smiled, but his voice was shaky. “What’s with the obsession about medical degrees?”
The first medic smiled. “The wound is deep, but it’s on the side of the torso and doesn’t appear to have hit anything vital. Probably hurts like hell, though. We’ll get him to the hospital, and do a more thorough check and get him stitched up. He’ll be good to go.”
Kimi sagged against Garrett. “I’m so glad. Thank you, Brandon. Thank you for everything.”
He grinned at her, face pale. “You’re welcome, Kimi. You did a great job. Thanks for the date.”
She leaned into Garrett’s shoulder. “You sure know how to show a girl a good time.”
When he laughed, it turned into a gasp of pain. More people showed up with a gurney and whisked him away. Shirisha called for Art Kane, the other FBI agent they knew, to help Kimi find a place to clean up. Garrett kept his arm around her shoulders as they followed the agent.
In the office section of the warehouse, they found a clean bathroom, and he followed her inside. Without a word, she scrubbed and scrubbed until he thought she was going to expose bone. She then used the sanitizer the medic had given her. Finally, she shrugged out of her jacket and tossed it onto the floor, probably worried about it being covered in blood. When she was done, she rested her hands on the side of the sink and hung her head.
Garrett placed his palms on her shoulders and massaged gently. A large shudder shook her body, and he turned her gently and wrapped her in his arms.
She whispered. “I thought he’d killed Brandon. I thought he was going to die, and with no tools, I couldn’t do anything to stop it.”
He tightened his hold and kissed her hair. “He’s going to be okay. We’ll find out more once he’s in the hospital, but he wouldn’t have been flirting with that medic if he was badly off.”
Her laugh was shaky. “I hope you’re right. He’s a good guy.”
Garrett nodded. “He is. And if he needs anything, we’ll make sure he gets it.”
She nodded and let out a sigh, then pushed back to look up at him. “I’m so glad that part’s over but I can’t fall apart yet. I need to help Terese with the dogs. We’re going to need every dog person to help with them. How do you feel about helping? Or would you rather help the FBI with the other cleanup?”
Garrett leaned down so they were at eye level. “Thanks to you, I’m okay. I’ll help you with the dogs. We’ll get them all checked out, but I need to be with you. My heart’s not steady enough to have you out of my sight yet.”
Kimi’s eyes filled with tears, and she smiled. “Perfect. Because I’m not sure I can function without you there with me. Thanks for being here. Thanks for having my back. I knew you were coming. I knew youwouldn’t let Chuck hurt me. Once I saw you, I knew it was all going to be okay.”
He swallowed hard against his own emotion and rested his forehead on hers. “I was kind of a mess until I saw you, too. I love you, Kimi, and once I saw you, I knew it would all be okay.”
Her smile lit up his heart. “I love you, Garrett. So much. I thought it was too early to tell you, but I’ve been falling for you since I saw you in my paddock with Onigis.”
That made him smile. “When you pulled a rifle on me?”
She laughed. “At that very moment.”
He cupped her face. “Me too.” The kiss went too far for a bathroom in a compound, but he couldn’t stop. She loved him back.
Someone knocked on the door. “Everything okay in there?”