They broke apart, smiling. “All good. We’ll be out in a second.”
Then he kissed her one more time. “Let’s go check on the dogs.”
Kimi held Garrett’s hand as they moved toward the area of the compound where the creeps had chained the dogs. Her heart ached for them, and she knew Garrett’s would be the same.
Terese, the FBI forensic veterinarian, waved them over to where she’d set up a triage center. “I’m glad you’re here. I didn’t want to start working with these poor guys until some of the chaos had settled. The extra noise and bustle had to be making them anxious. Now that most of the assholes are in custody, or at least away from here, we can start checking on their well-being.”
Kimi nodded. “We’re ready to help, although I’ve never done a forensic examination, so you’ll have to guide me through what you want us to do.”
“We’re not veterinarians, but is there anything we can do to help?”
Kimi turned at the sound of Heath’s voice. Marcus, Levi, Sean, and Troy stood waiting to help. “You’re all here? You all came to help?”
They nodded, and tears filled her eyes again. She closed them andswallowed hard. No falling apart yet. “Thank you. I don’t know how to thank you for coming here.”
Marcus grinned. “You just did. How can we help with the dogs?”
Terese smiled. “Thank you. There are some things we need a vet to do, but there are other tasks you can help with. The dogs all appear to be quiet but approach with caution and in teams. At the first sign of aggression from a dog, I need you to back up and de-escalate. These guys have been through enough, and we don’t need to add an attack on a human to their resumes.”
In the end, everyone worked in pairs with a whiteboard and camera. They recorded the date, location, dog’s name, and the number assigned by Terese on the whiteboard. They were to take photos of the dog with the board and record any injuries, wounds, or abnormalities. If any of those showed, they needed photos from all angles and closeups of any problem areas.
Kimi and Garrett were assigned to Missile. The gray and white pit bull was probably a couple of years old. He eyed them as they approached with a weary gaze.
When they were a few inches beyond the reach of his chain, they sat on the ground and maintained eye contact.
Kimi swallowed hard and spoke. “Hey there. We’re going to give you a new name, buddy. We’ll write the one they gave you on the board for official purposes, but I think we’ll start your new life right now. It’s going to be a good life. We’re going to make sure you’re healthy, and we’re going to find you a good place to live. No one is going to make you train any more. You’ll be safe and cared for.”
She blew out a breath, and Garrett squeezed her in a hug as he asked, “What do you think Nina would call him?”
Kimi smiled. “Good call. Is it too late to text her a picture and ask?”
Heath was working with an agent nearby, so she asked. “I know she figured out some of what we were doing tonight, so she might still be up. I’ll text Addy and see. In a minute, he nodded. “They were up waiting to hear if we were all okay. Go ahead and text her.”
Kimi took a photo and added the request.Need a name for this guy. He’s about two years old.
It only took a few seconds to get the answer.Astro.He looks like the dog on the Jetsons.
For a kid who didn’t actually watch much TV, she had an excellent knowledge of cartoons and pop culture, past and present. Kimi texted her back.Perfect. Thanks, and good night.
“Okay, Astro, I’m going to move in now. I’m not going to hurt you. I need to take some photos and check you over. How do you feel about that?”
When Kimi stood, Astro got to his feet as well. So did Garrett.
They continued to take turns talking to Astro as they moved in. The dog’s tail didn’t wag, but he didn’t show any aggression.
Garrett spoke softly. “Good boy, Astro. You know we’re on your side, don’t you?”
Garrett took photos from all angles, and then Kimi moved in closer again. “How do you feel about me touching you, Astro? Is that okay?”
She held out her hand, and he sniffed at her, then butted her hand until she petted his head. Smiling, she took her time, slowly moving her hands over his body, getting him used to her touch and checking for injuries.
Many of his muscles were too large from overwork, and she worried about the long-term effects. Life spans for fighting dogs weren’t great. “But we’re going to make sure your remaining years are peaceful.”
Astro whined at Garrett until he squatted down and petted him as well. “You’ve been craving positive attention, haven’t you, bud?”
Garrett’s voice was thick, but he was handling it. Knowing the dogs would have better lives from this moment on made it all far easier to deal with.
It took time, but eventually, thirty-two dogs were checked. Only one had been aggressive and they realized he had breaks in two of his legs. They’d tranquilized him so they could transport him without pain to the nearest veterinary hospital.