“The purpose of this stone is to bring forth both negative and positive reactions before showing clarity to the situation.”
“Last but not least,”I mumble.
The stunning purple crystal is larger than the rest and it sits at the head of the platform. Four spires breech from its connected foundation and its striking, formidable appearance makes my breathing quicken and my heart races. My trembling fingers reach out slowly, and the second my skin touches it, nothing else seems to matter. I’m wrapped in a cocoon.
“This looks like a cluster of amethyst from the nonmagical realm,”I murmur.
“An amethyst, yes, but not from the nonmagical. This is an Angel Aura Amethyst. It’s from the Valorian Veil and is the ultimate form of divine connection and protection. Elementra herself blessed it when it was brought to this realm.”
I allow his words to seep into my very being as I take in all the crystals surrounding me. They each have incredible properties and purposes, yes, but I notice something far more distinct.
“CC, they each represent my Nexus. Each of these crystals matches the color of the bonds between me and the guys as well as their personalities. Why?”
“Because you all were made with the strongest of intentions. Each of you represents the strongest of the strong. Of mind, heart, body, and soul. I know it’s a lot, the responsibility put on all of you, but you are worthy, and you are capable. It may not seem that way and I recognize the unfairness of it all, believe me. I felt it, your mother felt it, any before us who were chosen for this felt it. It took me centuries, until my eyes laid upon you the first time, to understand it, but you are a blessing. This is a blessing despite how it may seem. Elementra has given you, your Nexus, the power to make the realm what it should be. If you can achieve it, there will finally be harmony.”
Tears flow down my face in silent streams as I continue to look around the crystals surrounding me. As hard as it is to admit, this journey has been a blessing to me. Yes, there have been some incredibly difficult obstacles and far too many near-death encounters, but without what I’ve been through, if I hadn’t been chosen for this, I’d be living a miserable existence in the nonmagical realm. Or hell, I may have never been born.
I’d be nothing.
Here, I’m something.
That realization brings forth another that hits me like a ton of bricks.
Elementra may have orchestrated my entire existence, and CC dictated much of how the trajectory of my adolescence would go, but now, they’ve both left the decisions up to me. That’s why everything’s happened the way it has lately.
“You both are no longer going to be making the decisions for me. It’s all on me from here on out. You’re both leaving me. That’s why it was time for my memories to unlock. Time for me to come here.”Panic grips the tone of my voice even mentally.
Oh my God, that’s why my visions were the way they were before we saved Keeper, why my gut instinct seemed to intensify, why the need to bond the guys became so strong. They’re leaving me to finish this on my own.
“We will never leave you, filia mea. Do not think that way. But we can no longer help influence your decisions. There are still plenty of clues and information I’ve laid for you, but we’ve guided you in the preferred way as much as we can. We will still be here for you, don’t believe otherwise. But we can no longer tell you the paths to take.”
It’s on my tongue to argue that they haven’t told me anything straight out. That I’ve already had to figure it out on my own, but clarity sweeps through me. I peer down at where my hand is resting on the Shadow Light stone and blow out a harsh breath, then close my eyes.
They have been telling me, just not as clear as I would’ve liked, but I see it now. The phantom pushes, the pulls, the calm that overcomes me in times of indecision. They have been telling me.
“This is where your new journey begins, filia mea. It’s time.”
His words fade through my mind like smoke on the wind, and the loneliness that overwhelms me tells me he’s gone for now. That was the guidance and purpose for his presence for the time being.
Now it’s on me.
Wiping the tears from my eyes, I turn in place on the center of the platform, letting my hands glide across the crystals as I go. Their powers soak beneath my skin and I breathe deeply, absorbing everything they’re willing to give me.
Slowly, I lower myself down and roll the material of the soft plush purple blanket between my fingers. A genuine smile crosses my face because even this small gesture shows the care and attention he put into making me as comfortable as possible when he dropped this news on me.
Let’s see what’s in store forus.
Focusing on the wall in front of me, I clear my mind. I empty out everything I just learned, all my thoughts on what’s to come, and I just focus completely on the reflection of myself on the surface of the wall. I’d like to attempt to see the vision, if one comes, play out across the room. If I can’t manage it this first time, I’ll work on it.
As my body relaxes to the point I feel weightless and my mind quiets, I call forth my magic, commanding it free.
For a brief, blissful second, there’s nothing.
There’s everything.
Time is meaningless as passages of moments speed across my mind faster than my eyes can follow. There’s no beginning. No end. Just blurs of things that’ve already seen the light of day, things that are happening as I sit here, and things to come.