The movement slows, stopping on a point in time that just recently occurred. A moment in time that means more to me than anything.
Our bonding.
I’m suspended in the air with gifts and elements shooting out of my very being, slamming into the chest of my men, connecting us as one. From this angle, seeing myself, I look like a beacon of pure power. When it happened, I felt its intensity, but this is something else.
It’s the dawn of a new era we didn’t even know we were entering.
Time moves again faster than I can grip onto the vision.
Then again. Then again.
Over and over, different paths shoot across my mind, and I can’t make sense of any of it. I’m not seeing anything, yet I’m seeing everything. These are visions that will come through when I most need them.
For now, they’re just a blip, a blur in time.
The blur finally forms a being like a pixelated picture coming into focus and I suck in a startled breath.
The Summum-Master dances around, shooting power out of his body with the ferocity of a volcanic eruption. Blood. Bodies. Destruction.
It’s everywhere. Everything.
Just before the moment begins to move again, I swear he’s staring into my soul, and I catch the briefest glimpse of eyes black as night. Before the image fades once more, I hear the quietest whisper.
Wait, what choice?
I don’t get that answer, and no more whispers are to be heard as an agonizing scream tears from my throat.
It feels as though my whole body is on fire. It’s not my flame that flows through my veins, but I swear lava. My skin feels like it’s melting from its unforgiving heat, and I continue to bellow as I throw myself on all fours.
Stop. Please fucking stop.
There’s no stopping the burn. Everything around me is a blazing inferno.
With all the strength I possess, I throw myself off the platform, hitting the floor with a bone-jarring thud, but still, I’m on fire. Not just my body but my soul. It’s submerged, burning to ash.
Forcing my limbs to obey me, I start to crawl to the door.
Break the connection. I have to break it.
Tears and snot fall down my face as I sob my way to where I remember the knob being. Every move I make is painful and the reflective walls are a river of orange coated in soot.
“Gaster…” I try to call out, but my broken whimper is barely audible even to my ears.
“Gaster, please…”I cry out mentally.
Just a few feet in front of me, the door slams open and light pours in, snapping my mind out of the chokehold it was in. I collapse on the ground, curling in on myself as my sobs tear through me.
No sooner my name leaves his lips than I’m lifted off the ground with strength I didn’t even know he still possessed and moved into the brightly lit hallway.
“Calm down, child, everything’s okay. You’re okay,” he murmurs and shushes over and over, but I can’t stop the tremors and tears. “What happened?”
“I…I don’t know. I’ve never physically felt anything from my visions. Until now,” I stutter, trying to make sense of what just happened to me.
“Felt? You felt what you saw?” His body startles as he asks the question and it solidifies it even more for me that that wasn’t normal.