Page 181 of Gift from the Wing

“Right. The reality we’re weaving is this back lawn. We’re all familiar with this,” I add and they both grunt in agreement. “Then cheers, boys,” I say, tapping my mug to theirs.

It’s cooled down enough now that I chug it back easily, and it, in fact, does taste as sweet as it smells. I’m a little weirded out about just eating a flower, but I push it out of my mind and pop the little blue petals into my mouth.

The guys all stare at me like they’re waiting for something drastic to happen, but after a minute, they relax their shoulders.

Until the three of us lie down.

“Nope, don’t fucking like this one bit,”Draken growls.

“I agree. Get up, Primary. I’ve changed my mind.”

“Cas, this was your idea. A great one at that. Their heads are touching my head. It’ll all be fine.”

“Exactly, this is your fucking fault,”Draken says, turning his menacing stare to Caspian.

“Yeah, well, I didn’t originally think they’d be lying in a fucking makeshift bed together.”

Sighing, I close my eyes and tune them out while they bicker back and forth. It’s Draken’s dragon that’s pushing him like this, and Caspian’s feeding off the madness. Not that Tillman or Corentin are doing any better, but they’re not outwardly going to argue or attempt to stop me at this point.

When things that resemble the northern lights start flashing in my mind and my body begins to tingle, I mumble quietly, “Ready?”

“Ready,” Trex and Codi answer just as softly.

Sending my magic out, I lace it through their minds and magic, making sure they’re tethered to me.

“Do you want a countdown?” Codi asks.

“Yes, please.”


“Sleep tight, little warrior.”


“We love you, princess.”


The sensation of my entire body growing heavy to the point I couldn’t lift my limbs if I wanted to washes through me and the surrounding sounds become distant white noise. Like a dimmer on a light switch, my awareness begins to fade and quicker than I can count backward, I enter darkness.

Blinking my eyes open slowly, the most beautiful lilac sun shines above me and I stretch my arms out above my head, pulling my cover with me so I can hide my face. I nestle down deeper into my pillow, chasing my precious sleep again when a yawn escapes me. My body hums happily when I decide that’s exactly what I’m going to do, but my mind won’t allow it.

But I’m so comfortable…

Gasping, I sit straight up.

Panic surges through me as my mind catches up and clarity returns to me and for a long moment, I breathe through confusion and astonishment. I frantically glance around at the reality my mind’s created, and the tension in my chest settles when I see the familiar space.

My fingers tangle in the blanket on top of me and I stare down at it as I try to slow the racing beat of my heart. The fabric feels so real, exactly as it did in my consciousness, and when I bring it to my nose, I startle as the smell engulfs my senses.

Shit,this is so real.

Turning in my spot, the entire pallet that was made for us is laid out around me. Even the mugs are sitting beside where our forms were lying. The only thing missing is the two men who were lying on those pillows.

The whole back lawn and tree line look just as they do in my normal reality, except here, the colors are so different.

Everything is a shade of purple.