That checks out.
“Trex…Codi…” I shout as I push myself to my feet.
No reply comes from either of them, not that I thought it would be that simple to pull them with me, but it was wishful thinking.
Taking my first step, I nearly fall to my knees because of how unnatural it feels to be up moving around. It’s as though I’m walking along the springiest trampoline, and I have to plant my feet firmly to hold myself steady. It’s an out-of-body experience and I shake my arms out until the motion feels more normal.
Okay, let’s try it with no dream shoes.
As soon as I bend down to unstrap the sandals I’m wearing, they disappear into thin air, leaving me standing barefoot in the grass.
Well, fuck, okay then. Be careful what I think up in dreamworld.
Oh, Elementra, this isn’t the time for any intrusive or impulsive thoughts if things happen the moment I think it.
Slamming my eyes shut, I dig my toes into the earth and take a deep breath as the sensation of the cold dirt feels so familiar, normal. Nowhere in the instructions did it make it seem like we weren’t going to be able to walk and whatnot like we usually could.
Granted, I have had some weird dreams before where my body was in slow motion and no matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t force myself to punch Donald faster. This is just like that.
All right, feet, get moving. We’ve got shit to do.
Nodding to myself, with more caution than a second ago, I take a small step.
Then another. And another.
I walk a couple feet here and there until I’m practically pacing, but that’s how much effort it takes to make my body cooperate.
“Trex…Codi…” I call out again as I slowly start walking toward the tree line.
Their magical signatures and mental awareness are in my mind, but no one is here. Just me and my echoing voice.
Shivering, my hands instinctively rub up and down my arms, chasing away the goose bumps, and the little raised clusters take me by surprise. My fingers follow the path of my standing hair follicles until I reach the inside of my bicep, and I pinch.
“Shit,” I shriek, desperately trying to rub away the pain.
Unlike my own dream walking, I’m neither incorporeal nor protected from not feeling things. So that one hundred percent hurt.
Great. I can barely force my legs to work properly and now I’ll feel it if I face-plant.
Glancing back in front of me, I find the reason for my shivering standing feet in front of me and I hold in my startled flinch. The anger radiating off him is so strong, it’s causing my lush purple forest to darken. Every slow step he takes colors the foliage beneath his shoes black.
“It worked,” I breathe.
“What have you done?”
“Dec, listen to me—”
“Where. Is. He?” he shouts, punctuating each pissed off word.
“I can explain everything, just listen.”
He doesn’t listen.
In fact, he bellows out, and I stumble back a couple steps from the devastation mixed in with his rage. I don’t know if it’s because he senses but doesn’t see Trex or what, but he just snapped.
“Trex!” I shout and his name leaving my lips has Dec’s eyes whipping to mine.