Huffing, I run my fingers through my bangs and untangle the bunched-up blanket in my lap.
As annoyed as I am, technically, the sight did show me exactly what I asked for, just not exactly what I wanted to see. I’m going to take the wins where I can get them, though, and at least now, I’ve seen all their faces. I can even put a name and face to Gima’s traitorous-ass mom.
It’s easy to assume the four men who were standing behind her, including the one who said they called the meeting, is her Nexus.
And I know good and damn well Aurora didn’t organize a meeting. And seeing as she wasn’t there, she has no clue that they planned this little get-together.
So two wins.
I know all the faces of the five. And I know those assholes are having secret meetings.
Talking it out with myself transforms my thought process from that being a failed attempt at controlling the sight, to a small taste of what I could really do if I kept at this.
Okay, let’s try this again.
Building up my magic, I think clearly about the biggest obstacle we’re facing and how much it would help to know who we’re truly up against. If we knew his name or could see his face, we could figure out where this vendetta came from, what his capabilities truly are, and so much more. We could start working on tearing him down before we even get our hands on him.
Show me who the Summum-Master is.
For a brief, blip moment, a figure cloaked in all black crouches and shakes so violently, their limbs tremble through their covering. Repeatedly, they beg to be spared.
Their body continues to vibrate to the point they become nothing more than a hazy form.
After countless seconds of nothing but a distorted picture, finally a…
I suck in a startled breath as that same pixelated picture that I saw the first time I came in here begins to take shape and a lump forms in my throat as I watch the chaos and destruction he brings.
The Summum-Master dances around, shooting power out of his body with the ferocity of a volcanic eruption. Every way he turns, he cuts down another body with nothing more than a flick of his wrist.
There’s something different about him this time, though.
There’s something about the gifts he’s wielding to kill what I’m assuming is our people. It doesn’t flow naturally through him as our blessed gifts do, and even those I’ve seen wield the stolen power move more fluidly than he is right now.
Regardless, whatever it is. It’s deadly.
Blood. Bodies. Destruction.
It’s everywhere. Everything.
As he turns around, his cloak flaring out behind him, the scene completely changes, leaving us eyeing the two young men standing in front of him.
Oh, Elementra.
I know one of them. The other’s identity is easy to guess.
“The illusion will fortify your glamour completely. No one will be able to bring it down.”
“Good. Looks like your brother lives another day.”
With that dark threat, the Summum-Master turns once again. This time, I see the all familiar blurry face that keeps his identity his most well-kept secret.
Gasping, I fall to the side, catching myself between the Angel Aura crystal and the Blue Calagate. The sudden rush of my mind beingmy own once again makes everything around me spin and I crawl across the room to get to the door.
Fuck me, I can’t wait till this little side effect stops.