Searching in the darkness for the handle, as soon as the cold metal touches my fingertips, I snatch it down and pull the door wide to break the connection.
I nearly eat carpet as I fall out into the hallway in a heap, and the groan that leaves me ricochets down the long stretch almost loud enough to cover up Oakly’s shriek.
“Willow, what the fuck? Are you okay?”
“Fuck me, those visions are so much more intense than when they come randomly.”
“That’s because you’re attempting to force it. Which is what you’ll have to do to gain any control over it, but that’s beside the point. What the hell? Answer me if you’re okay or not.”
“Fine. Just need a healing vial and a minute.”
Huffing, she latches onto my wrist and the little shit that she is whisks us through a transport back to CC’s room.
It’s one hundred percent her fault, and I don’t feel even a touch bad when I throw up all over her shoes.
“Shit. Gaster, Caspian, someone get her a healing vial,” Oakly yells as if I’m on the verge of dying.
“Primary,” Caspian says, panicked, as he kneels at my side immediately and lifts me into his lap.
“Oakly’s freaking out. I’m fine. The vision made me dizzy, then she transported me here,” I groan, squeezing my eyes shut from the sudden movement.
“Oh, okay, blame it on me, huh? You’re the one who fell out the damn door barely able to catch her breath.” She fusses.
“Here, child, drink. My, I didn’t believe this time would be just as bad. I really didn’t.”
“It wouldn’t have been if I didn’t force out two visions. Got a little cocky after the first one.” I sigh as the liquid miracle works its magic as soon as it slides down my throat.
“Two? You got multiple to come forth?” Caspian asks quietly, respecting the fact my head is still pounding and everyone else is practically yelling.
“Yeah. And I learned some things. Is it almost lunch yet?”
“We’ll take an early one if need be, Primary.”
“Let’s do that. Call the others, please. Tell them to have Codi and Trex meet us at the mansion as well.”
Other than it’s the right thing to do…
I finally know why it’s so important that we find their brothers.
“Got to say, sir, I’m feeling pretty privileged being personally invited and escorted to the Vito mansion,” Codi says from behind me.
Standing from my crouch in the grass, I wipe the dirt from my hands and take another look out over the sea of green that stretches across the back lawn. It didn’t need any upkeep. It’s still flourishing as ever, but nonetheless, I pushed my element out across it.
Call it habit, maybe homesickness, whichever.
“You can call me Tillman here, Codi, and the invite was Willow’s doing. She needs to talk to you two,” I say, attempting to carry a lighter tone.
Caspian, over our mental link about twenty minutes ago, informed Corentin, Draken, and me, we were having an earlier lunch because Will needed to show us something and to get Codi and Trex. It was easy to assume it was because she saw something about their brothers, but Caspian wouldn’t give anything up and before the asshole cut the link, said he had to get back to taking care of her. If not for her mentally telling me she was fine, and the Amplifier room made her ill, I’d have transported back to the palace, whopped his ass, then took care of her myself.
I kept my cool and sent Ry and Nikoli to go get the two of them while the three of us came on here.
I’m still waiting for my little warrior to arrive, but rumbling overhead has us all looking up to see Tanith soaring over us with Keeper and Gaster on her back, so she’ll be here any second.
Fucking crazy how normal it is to just see a vampire flying on a dragon’s back nowadays.