"You already ate half of it," I state in annoyance, hopping off of my perch. I pick up the plate in between us on the counter and promptly walk away with my treasure held tightly. The sound of Dominic’s pursuit has my walk turning into a run, and I race up the stairs and into my room where I promptly slam and lock the door.

"Amberle, open the door!’ Dominic yells, his voice holding an Alpha command. All I do is giggle, knowing full well that his command never affects me.

"Nuh-uh." I retort, making my way towards the bed that beckons me. I sit on my bed as Dominic continues to pound on the door, my senses reaching out while I enjoy my stolen treat. I could hear wolves stir because of the commotion after a while, knowing they were all both amused and irritated at Dominic’s and my antics. Finally giving in, I open the door and hold out the plate that had about three bites left of the cake.

"Here you go," I say innocently, getting an exasperated growl.

"That’s cruel." He sighs, and I smile, poking his nose.

"How about when we get home, I make more?" I say, chuckling at his pouting face.

"Deal." Dominic agrees, finishing the last of the cheesecake and placing the plate on the dresser by the door. Letting out a squeak in surprise, I find myself being carried by Dominic to my temporary bed, where he promptly situates us under the covers

"Now, bedtime." He orders. I smile, letting him turn off the lights before I feel myself being pulled closer to him with strong arms wrapped around me. Tomorrow would be a long day. Now, time to sleep.

Chapter 14 – Payback Training

"You can’t make me do that or anything!” Mia yells, her face inches from mine as her rage filled eyes glare at me. I sigh, tired of her high and mighty attitude as wolves surround us. I could see my wolves tensing, ready to step in and attack if need be. I signal for them to hold off as Mia continues her rant about how she is the Head Tracker and doesn’t need any training. Apparently, Mia is the best Tracker in Forest Paw, and being the Head Tracker I would hope so. But she had deliberately been late to the training session, and then ignored me to try and flaunt her “assets” at my pack mates. This led to me pushing her fake-tanned body into the slush below, where her skimpy white workout clothes were promptly ruined by the slush. Everyone else had been on time, and some were even early to warm up in the winter weather. Only Blue and Axel were given a free pass as they were dealing with the pack finances and gathering intel on the Soulless. Even Leo showed up on time, which was a surprise to all of us. My eyes flicker to Miles, and I open the link between us, sighing exasperated into our link.

[What’re the bets so far?] I ask my friend, catching his mischievous grin.

[Majority have their money place on you beating the crap out of Leo first. Only four people have their bets on you demolishing Mia. What do you want?] He answers, a smirk forming on my lips.

[Give me twenty percent of the profits, and I’ll give you a good show to record.]

[Deal, Amber.] Our link shuts off as Miles pulls his cellphone out from his uniform. I was done with Mia and her bullshit, and it was time to repay her for seven years of hell.

“And another thing, that is supposed to be my uniform!” She screams, her hands reaching out to tear away the Tracker uniform that I inherited from our mother. I pivot, dodging Mia easily and using her momentum to send her once again into the muddy slush below us. A loud splash is heard, and once again, mud covers her face turned towards me with seething rage. I manage to maintain a straight face but catch multiple snickers in the crowd.

“This outfit belongs to me. If it weren’t for me going into the house with Blue and Axel before you made Zack burn it down, everything that belonged to mom and dad would have been destroyed.” I retort, my voice loud and clear above the crowd as my own glare is directed back at Mia. I hated her and her selfishness. Then I had an idea.

"How about this. If you want it so bad, beat me in a fight. If you're the best Tracker, then it should be easy for you to beat me." I offer, a smirk playing on my lips as I brush a piece of lint off of my shoulder. I watch her rage increase as her blood radiates power at the challenge. I was requested here to train these wolves, to make the ones who made my life living hell at the bitch’s command stronger and able to defend themselves once again. If they wanted to disrespect me, then I will use one of them to make an example. Sensing eyes on me, I turn to see Leo watching, his gaze going between Mia and me. This was good, I will make him see just who he rejected, and make him and everyone regret what they did to me.

“Deal, you bitch.” Lost in thought, I manage to sense killing intent coming at me, leaning back to dodge a punch from Mia and taking a chance to backflip a few feet away from the raging she-wolf. The crowd of Blood Moon and Forest Paw wolves step back, forming a large circle around us to fight in. Miles is front and centre, his cellphone out as he films everything. I had a feeling this would end up on his page on the werewolf site for all to see, and honestly I don’t mind it at all. It would be nice to showcase to the world the power a Blood Moon wolf has.

Mia gets to her feet with a growl, her eyes turning red as her anger soars to new heights as she makes another attempt at attacking me. Once again, I dodge, sending a small shove to the center of her back and watching her fall into a large snow bank, face first. At this point, even I’m embarrassed to see her flail about, trying to dislodge her head from the packed snow. But this just fuels her rage as Mia continues her attempts to attack me, each time ending with her lodged into a snowbank or covered in mud from a slush puddle. I continue to use her momentum against her. Rule one of being a Tracker, never let anyone get behind you. It’s quite sad that she would forget this rule.

Within half an hour, Mia is left panting, her many attempts to land a hit on me foiled. Frankly, I am quite bored. It amazes me that this she-wolf used to be able to overpower me, that she used to be able to leave my body marked with bruises and cuts. Now, she is no match for me.

“You going to hit me, Mia, or what?” I call out, yawning with boredom. This gives me a savage growl as her response, as Mia gets to her feet from the latest muddy puddle. At this point, her entire being is covered in mud, only her rage-filled eyes still clear to see. With a final attempt at an attack, Mia throws another punch to my face.

Now it was my turn to truly get the payback that has been in the making for nine and a half years. Just as Mia gets into my range of attack, I move, sending a round-house kick to her right side. The sounds of bones breaking fill the silent training field, causing the rowdy wolves to quiet down. The force of my kick sends Mia into a sturdy oak tree, her body hitting the trunk with a loud thud. But her rage is still strong as she ignores the pain of the broken bones, and she quickly rushes at me again. I just roll my eyes as my fist greets her face with a well-placed punch that, upon impact, shatters her jaw. Mia falls to the ground once again, spitting out blood onto the snow-covered earth, attempting to get up. Without a thought, I send a kick to her left thigh, breaking the bone and watching the exhausted she-wolf fall to the ground, defeated.

As much as she hated me, her instincts told her to stay down in an attempt to preserve her life. Taking her now muddy ponytail into my grasp, I raise Mia high enough for the crowd to get a good look. My pack looks on at me with pride, but the wolves from Forest Paw hold fear and respect. I was no longer the orphan they used as a punching bag.

“This is what happens when you are out of shape.” I start, my voice carrying above the crowd. Mia is the perfect example these wolves needed to open their eyes to their reality.

“A Soulless on the verge of death could have easily killed Mia without a fight, and no one would know unless they stumbled upon her cold, dead body. Let this be a warning to all of you!” I finish my statement, my eyes scanning the crowd. My wolves let out a chuckle as Miles sends me a thumbs up, his cellphone being put away. Zack catches my attention, his face a mix of jealousy and reverence at what I had done to our so-called sister on full display. I release my hold on Mia and allow her body to lay on the ground. I guess he’s been wanting to do this for a while now.

“Leo, I suggest looking for a new Head Tracker, and leave her alone as the pack whore.” I growl, glaring at the man who looks at me with a heated gaze before turning to my pack. I motion to Lease and Concra, letting the twins take hold on either side of the now unconscious Mia.

“Take her to the pack hospital and make sure she gets fixed up.” I order, getting a yes ma’am from my two friends, who promptly half-carry and half-drag Mia away, albeit none too gently as they “accidentally” drop her or go around a corner a bit too fast so she bumps into a tree. All I can do is shake my head and turn back to the wolves still needing to be trained.

“Okay, everyone, now that the excitement is over, we will now be getting on with the training.” A groan is heard from the Forest Paw wolves, but I let them be. I’ve already damaged one of their wolves today, no need to fight the others.

“Our objective for today’s training is stamina. We will be running for the next few days, and I do not want any of you complaining. Before I feel comfortable teaching you all new fighting techniques, every last wolf needs to be able to run smoothly for three hours straight before getting out of breath. When I am satisfied with all of you, you will be separated into sparring groups, focusing on teamwork, where your goal is to take down one of my wolves from Blood Moon. Each group will be a mix of Hunters and Trackers.” I see the excitement in many of the Forest Paw wolves at the prospect of being able to take down a notorious Blood Moon wolf. My wolves just scoff at the idea of being taken down by Forest Paw as the pack link is filled with chatter, some complaining about losing the bet while a few cheer knowing that they will be earning a good payout with me dominating Mia in the fight earlier. Dominic walks over, handing me my neon pink scarf that my pack is all too familiar. I tie the fabric around my waist.

“So, we will keep running today, either for the remainder of the training time, when someone passes out from exhaustion, or if one of you can take this scarf away from me. Blood Moon, I want you all to space yourselves out on the outside of the Forest Paw wolves, make sure no one falls behind or gives up.” I continue, making sure the scarf is secured before quickly leading everyone into a light stretch.