The trees soon give way to reveal the clearing where my rejection took place two and a half years ago. That day, still deeply embedded into my mind, is the reason why I worked so hard to be stronger. But the man who takes my hand in his and gives it a slight squeeze reminds me that it’s okay to be weak sometimes because I know Dominic is there beside me. I smile up at my friend, whose ice-blue eyes look into my own for a brief moment, then towards the stage. Tables are loaded with steaming hot food, and hot drink containers are set up to help the wolves battle the cold. A large bonfire crackles about five metres away from the stage, the scent of wood burning with the crackling sound of the flames fill the clearing air. My pack mates begin to disperse to mingle with the Forest Paw wolves, and Dominic and I make our way to a lounge chair where we settle in, the warmth from the fire caressing our bodies and protecting the two of us from the cold wind.

Deciding that we would stay in this spot, I sit in Dominic’s lap, roasting marshmallows and making smores for us to enjoy. Every now and then, a member from Forest Paw will come to chat for a bit and see how I’m doing. The wolves that went to school with me surprised me, as some apologize for how they treated me growing up. You could see the remorse in their eyes as their heads lowered with each word of apology they speak, and I couldn’t help but forgive them. I would never forget what each wolf put me through, but that doesn’t mean I want to continue holding a grudge on wolves who have clearly learned their wrongdoing. Dominic introduces himself to the few elders that came to meet the Blood Moon wolves, including Elder Sylvia, who chatters away to Dominic about the antics I performed when I was still a juvenile. Luckily, her mate, Elder James, whisks her away as the night grows darker, before she could tell any more embarrassing stories.

Dominic and I are left to ourselves after the departure of the two Elders, and we take this opportunity to survey the wolves we will be training starting tomorrow. A scent of cheap perfume wafts in on the wind and I sneeze, my eyes looking for the telltale sign of danger that normally comes with this scent.

"Why are you sitting on him? What are you, his little lap whore?" I bristle with these words as my eyes instantly see Mia standing a few feet from where Dominic and I sit. Her clothes are still as skimpy as usual, and her eyes stare at me with disgust and hatred. Her orbs flicker briefly to Dominic, a trace of lust, flickering, causing my own disgust to surface at the woman who shares my blood. If she thinks she has a chance with Dominic, she is dead wrong.

“What Amberle does, doesn’t concern you.” Power radiates off of Dominic, who pulls me closer to his chest, his arms wrapping protectively around me as he growls menacingly at Mia. I see the fear in her eyes while I allow my own glare to dig into her. I had no reason to fear this pack whore, even if she is “supposed” to be my sister. Before Mia could retaliate, three young pups brush past her, causing Mia to fall into the lap of some drunk wolf, who promptly carries her away.

“Why do you look like Nana? Daddy has a picture of her, and Papa and you look like Nana, but you have fire hair.” My eyes focus on a little girl who looks about five years old. Her big doe-brown eyes stare up at me while the two younger wolves that look to be about two wait on either side of her. With how similar they all look, it takes me only a moment to figure out that the two little ones are twins, and that the five-year-old is their older sister. I smile at the three pups, and Dominic scoots over to allow the three to join us on our lounge chair while I offer them a roasted marshmallow each. After looking at the little girl for a few more minutes, I realize why these pups seem familiar to me, they are Zack and Abby’s children.

“Are you Aunty Amber?” The little girl asks, her lips holding remnants of the sticky marshmallow.

"Daddy says that Aunty Amber left because Aunty Mia made him treat her bad. He said one day we might meet her." I smile at the little girl who has Zack’s eyes and nose as she stares back at me, her doe eyes holding curiosity and hope. I remembered the last time I saw her. It was three days before my eighteenth birthday, and I was leaving for school. Zack had refused to let me watch her grow up or be in her life, and for three years I never had the chance of being an aunt to her. But I knew this little girl’s name.

“Yes, Lilly-Ann, I am Aunty Amber,” I answer, smiling happily at the three pups. I know pups have a hard time telling a lie, and if Lilly-Ann’s words were any indication, Zack regretted the way he treated me. I smile with how accepting the three pups are of me, the twins sharing their names as Maxwell and Mathew before asking excitedly about my wolf form and if it’s true that I look like living fire. When I mention the fact that Dominic’s wolf is like living ice, the excitement of all three pups grows. They start begging for us to shift so that they could play with our fur.

“Hey, punks. Your mother is looking for you, since it’s bedtime now.” Zack’s voice rings clear as his figure soon appears before all of us.

“But dad, we want to stay with Aunty Amber!” Maxwell protests, his words slightly muffled by the big yawn he tries to fight. I smile at the toddler, pulling him close for a hug before giving Lilly-Ann and Mathew a hug as well.

“Your Aunt will be here for a few weeks, so you can play with her during her stay.” The fatherly love is evident in Zack’s voice as his eyes soften at the sleepy children who comply with their father’s words. They toddle over towards their mother who, with the help of Blue, carries the twins and Lilly-Ann away from the bonfire.

Being left in the chair with Zack in front of me, unease grows inside me, causing my stomach to ache slightly. Sensing my discomfort, Dominic pulls me closer, letting out a low warning growl to Zack, who steps back and raises his hands in surrender.

“I won’t harm Amberle, I just want to apologize.” He states, his eyes going from Dominic who holds me protectively, to me as his gaze holds a pleading look. I see the exhaustion in his eyes as a flicker of hope flashes behind his doe-brown eyes. I could sense all fight and disgust for me gone, leaving a lonely shell before me.

"What makes you think I will accept it?" I ask, my words sharp as a knife, making my so-called brother flinches. I spent seven years in hell because he listened to Mia and abandoned me. He promised to take care of what was left of our family, but instead threw me to the curb like I was trash.

“I was an idiot, and I don’t expect you to accept me ever again. I let Mia and the others hurt you and was the worst big brother ever.” Zack answers, running his hand through his messy hair as he plops down in a chair next to Dominic and me. I wait for Zack to continue, watching his eyes stare off into the bonfire before us. He heaves a long sigh and his shoulders fall.

“Abby and I want our kids to grow up with an Aunt who actually cares for our pups. We’re tired of Mia and don’t want the pups to grow up around that bitch.”

"Excuse me? Who are you calling a bitch?" Zack bolts from his seat, standing between Mia and Dominic and I, his gaze turning into a glare of hatred. Speak of the devil, and she shall come.

"You, of course. You and Leo are the reason this pack went downhill, all because you would rather have the Trackers chase you so you can be fucked like a bitch in heat. If it weren't for Blue keeping track of how much is spent, this pack would be broke with how Leo likes to flaunt the pack’s cash. Do you understand how in debt this place is?" The once-close siblings who made my life hell for seven years now square off. The tension hangs so thick in the air that silence soon settles in the clearing. Forest Paw and Blood Moon wolves all stop to stare at the two who continue to argue. If looks could kill, my siblings would have killed each other by now.

"Until you stop being a slut, I don't want you anywhere near my pups," Zack growls before storming away from everyone. I had to give him points for being a good father. I sit and snuggle into the dumbfounded Dominic, my mind wandering to reconsider forgiving Zack.

[I thought you said they were close?] Dominic’s voice enters our link, his fingers playing with a lock of my hair.

[I thought so too. Guess you miss a lot after two and a half years.] This reply gains me a deep chuckle from Dominic. With a sigh, I take a look at the time on my phone and stand, motioning for my pack to follow.

"Where do you think you're going?" Mia asks, her voice holding contempt and rage that she directs at me.

"To bed. I want everyone outside by eight in the morning in full workout clothing: track pants, long sleeve shirts, and a track jacket made for winter. If you are late or refuse to do what I tell you to do, I will make you pay for it by doing more." My voice rings loud and clear through the silent crowd that eyes my pack and I.

"Furthermore, since I was requested to train you all, you will treat me like I am an Alpha. All wolves from sixteen to forty-five will train with us as well, that is if you are a Hunter or a Tracker. If you have other pack duties, you will not have to join us. Anyone in a high rank will be trained by me also, including the top four and the Alpha and Beta. Any objections?" Mia goes to say something, but Axel gives her a warning glare. I watch as every wolf present nods their head in understanding as I wait for anyone to refuse. After a few minutes, I smile.

"No questions or concerns? Good. I have a list of those who are Trackers and Hunters, as well as a list of those eligible to be Trackers and Hunters. If you are on the list and do not show up, I will come to question you, and you will be punished. Your Alpha already agreed to it when he signed the contract I faxed to him last night." The crowd is still silent, but the pack link is buzzing, as many of my wolves start to place bets on who will get their ass kicked first by me. Of course, the leading bet is Mia being the wolf who gets sent to the pack hospital first.

"Now, many of you should head to bed and be ready for tomorrow. Good night." With these words, I head back to the guest house, my pack taking its cue to leave as well. Dominic keeps his arms wrapped around my shoulders, reassuring me that everything will be fine and that once we’re done here, we can head home. Home is a word I never thought would mean anything to me ever again, but Blood Moon is home for me, and I missed it. After reminding everyone to turn in for the night for training tomorrow morning, we all say our good nights then head to our respective rooms. I change into pyjamas and jump into bed. I have a hard time falling asleep, with my body alert and on edge inside Forest Paw territory. I felt confined in a place that held too many bad memories, making it impossible to sleep. Climbing out of bed, I decide to make my way to the kitchen for some leftover cheesecake that is definitely needed after this stressful day of dealing with my past tormentors. Having given up on the idea of sleep for now, I catch Dominic already there with a forkful of cheesecake already being shoved into his mouth.

"Any left?" I ask, leaning against the entrance to the kitchen.

"Yes, want some?" I smile and make my way towards my friend, hopping up on the counter in front of him and taking his fork from his hand. I start digging into the cheesecake and taking a bite of the gooey goodness..

"Hey, save some for me." He chuckles, grabbing a new fork as he takes a large fork full of the cheesecake and shoving it into his mouth. His cheeks resemble that of a chipmunk with how stuffed they are. A large chunk now missing from the cheesecake causes me to glare at my friend. I regret getting him addicted to the treat.