“You mean, kind of like us?” I pointed out, earning me a dubious smirk, one I didn’t return.
“I think we’re more alike than you think.”
“We used to be,” I stressed. “I’m not sure the sentiment still applies.”
“Please,” he huffed. “Here we are again, working to together, trying to take over the world.”
“For your benefit.”
“And yours. I promised you half.” He sounded offended, but I pulled a page from his book and shrugged it off as well.
“Wasn’t sure that still stood when I was just reprimanded for getting us ahead.”
Vic sighed and ran a hand over his faded head, shaking his head in what I sensed was defeat. “Apologies, okay? Just truly took me off-guard. But yes, it still stands.”
“Then stop bitching and let me do my job like you asked,” I advised.
Hands in the air, he smiled. “Warn a bloke is all I’m saying.”
“Will do, now get the fuck out.”
* * *
All was wellabout an hour later.
That ridiculous conversation with Vic was a thing of the past and I was feeling fantastic, higher than a damn kite. The weed had done its job and there was not one thing in this world that could’ve bothered me in that moment.
Breathing in the fresh air, I stood huddled over the thick glass ledge, enjoying the view from the very top of the Panorama, one of the highest sky rises in Miami. Down below, the typical sounds of the city erupted in waves, briefly transporting me back to my time in New York. I’d chosen this building as my spot for that exact reason. The city just called to me, soothed me. It was home in its own insane, chaotic way.
“Roman-fucking-King!” a woman’s voice shrilled, jolting me in place.
That voice. It can’t be.
In a brisk swivel, I was met with her approaching form as she sashayed toward me with purpose, hips swinging side to side in these tight leather pants that clung to her legs.
My jaw almost hit the floor.
“How in the…” I couldn’t even finish my sentence as I stared at her in confusion.
“How in the hell did I find you?” she finished amusedly, an irate little laugh bubbling in tow. “An anonymous tip off.”
Anonymous my dick.
It had to be Vic.
He’s the only one who knew I always had an escape spot.
“You need to go,” I warned her.
“I think not. I have a huge bone to pick with you.”
“I’m sure you do, but you’re not doing it here.”
“Like hell I’m not,” she spat, stopping toe to toe with me. Blue eyes lifted to my icy stare. “You must really have a death wish after that special delivery. Is it not more simple for you to just leave?”
A small gust of wind rolled by then, slamming me with her scent every which way possible. It seeped into my pores, knocked me off my game for a split-second. Breathing in only made it worse.
“It is, but I told you, Lux. You have what I want and I’m not leaving until I get it,” I grated out, trying my damnedest not to focus on the fact she was right there. “Besides, you know deep down you don’t want me to leave.”