Page 61 of Volatile Obsessions

Her face contorted in disgust. “Oh, please. Don’t think so highly of yourself.”

“I’m not. Simply calling it like it is. You wouldn’t have acted out in my silence if you didn’t.”

“L-O-L. Right.” She laughed. “Guess you got me all figured out then, huh?”

Shaking my head, I moved impossibly closer, dropping my lips to her ear. “Not yet, but I will eventually. I know enough, though.”

Lux scoffed and pushed me away, but not before I felt her shiver in delight. “Get over yourself, Roman, seriously. You don’t know shit about me! I hit you a second time to send the message loud and clear.”

“And that would be?” I questioned, stepping closer once more.

“Don’t. Fuck with me,” she threatened, shoving me backwards so hard my back hit the glass ledge.

All the noises down below—car horns, music, laughter—suddenly seemed louder than before, rattling up my spine, and despite being cornered, a smirk played on my lips. “As I demonstrated today, I could do a lot more than just fuck with you, pigeon.”

Those bright blue eyes bulged. “Piss off, got it? Just quit while you’re ahead. The distillery was nothing in comparison to the hell I could bring you, to the hell I will bring you after your little stunt today.”

“So bring it then. Let’s see what you can do, love,” I cooed, waving my palms challengingly.

Smoke seemed to billow from her nose as she bound up to me and prodded my chest with one of her perfectly polished claws.

“You really wanna go there?”

“I wanna go everywhere; all over it, in it, behind it,” I admitted, my gaze skating over her petit figure.

“You’re delusional,” she barked, and all I could do was shrug.

I’d been called a hell of a lot worse.

“Maybe, but I like to think of it as more of a wild imagination with a penchant for danger.”

“You’re digging yourself a grave, King,” she gritted out.

“As are you, love. The more you push, the more I pull. I could make it so easy for you, you know? Just give me what I want and I’ll be out of your hair. No one else has to get hurt,” I explained, bringing a hand up to finger those curled emerald locks.

Lux eyed me fiendishly, her chest heaving wildly beneath the lace cage of her halter top. The small swells of her tits, adorned with roses and a striking raven, all but called to me, begging me to set them free and worship them with my mouth. I was so far gone within my own imagination, I didn’t notice her whipping out a weapon until the tip of the blade pressed against my skin.

“Or I could just shove this right into your jugular and makeyou go away,” she sneered.

“Do it.” I grinned devilishly, heart racing with adrenaline. “I dare you.”

A growl tore free from her chest as she moved closer, eyebrows bunched together. She held my stare as firmly as ever, but made no move to see her threat through.

I held steady, waiting, and waiting, and waiting, counting down the seconds…

But it never came.

That’s when I struck.

Snatching the blade from her hand, I flung her into the ledge I’d been trapped against, and pressed my body against her soft planes, caging her beneath me.

“See what happens when you hesitate?” I growled, bringing the blade to her erratic pulse. “You get yourself into trouble.”

“I’ll scream,” she announced, holding her chin high.

“Oh, I know. They all scream. Yes, Rome, harder, please!”

A quiet gasp met my ears, but she recovered quickly, narrowing her eyes. “You know that’s not what I’m talking about…”