She laughs. “Nothing like that. But I am cautious where my heart is concerned. Also, I know this is gonna sound bad?—”
“I won’t judge you,” I say quickly. “We’re friends and you can tell me anything.”
I swallow hard.It took all my might to get my head around the word ‘friends’ and listen to her talk about some dude she can’t wait to bed.
“I kinda like this other guy, too.”
“Yeah?” Lucky guy. “Does he know?”
“Not a clue.”
“Does he like you?”
“I— I don’t know. But my guy, well, he told me something when we were drunk a few weeks ago.”
I pique a brow. “Yeah?”
“He kinda told me he’s had thoughts about other men, but that he’s never been with one. I think he’s bi, but he’s too afraid to admit it.”
I glance down at her. “He hasn’t tried to coerce you into doing anything?”
She quirks a smile. “You’re so cute.” She pinches my cheek, and I try not to wince.Good old Manny, here to crack the jokes.“No. He won’t even admit it when he’s sober. Even though we both know he told me he likes to watch.”
“At Club After Dark. They have rooms there where people fuck and you can watch.”
My dick stirs. “They do?”
“Well, they don’t advertise it as anything but a strip joint, but yeah, I’ve heard it gets really kinky.”
“And he said he’d like to watch you and another guy?”
She nods. “And then both of them do me.”
I can’t help it, I bite my lip as she stares up at me innocently. “Wow, that’s quite an admission. As long as you’re comfortable with doing, uh,stuffwith two guys, then I say go for it. If it’s in a safe environment, and you know them…” So much could go wrong. What if the guys hurt her? What if they didn’t respect her if she wanted to tap out? You can’t just have a threesome willy-nilly. It takes time, trust, and planning. Of course, I don’t voice any of these things.
“And what did he say about it?”
She shrugs. “I never brought it up again. When he was sober, the next time I saw him, he acted like we’d never discussed it. Then when we made out recently, he was so into me that I kinda forgot all the kinky things he’d told me. I didn’t want to make him uncomfortable by bringing it back up.”
That’s a lot to unpack. “Sex clubs are good to explore things in a safe environment.” I catch her gaze. “Please don’t do anything where you’re not safe.” I wince at the idea. At least a sex club like Afterdark is a legit club with security and rules.
“I won’t.” Her eyes stay on mine and her hand is splayed out over my chest. It feels warm and safe. Like it’s always been there.What is she doing? Why is she looking at me like this?
Is she really trying to torture me?
I need to go to bed, because if she keeps looking at me like that, I’m going to break my house rules. “I should hit the hay.” I slide out of her grasp as I stand. “Got an early start tomorrow.”
“Sounds like a good idea.” She yawns, stretching as her little tank rides up and I get a full shot of her abs. Jeepers. I need to go choke the sausage and relieve some of that tension as I look over her sleek little body. I could imagine her riding me, those delicious tits in my face as she bounces up and down on my…
“We need to hang out more, if you’re up for it. But I mean, now we’re roomies and all, our schedules will be a little different.”
“If you’re up for it, we can have a movie night this week. I’m off Sunday night. You can choose.”
She smiles. “I’d like that.”
“Goodnight, Lace.”