“Night, Manny. Don’t let the bedbugs bite.”
There’s no more talk about sex clubs, hot men who want to watch and definitely not men who are in the closet and want to rail her with another dude. And Bandit; I have my suspicions about that. I mean, I’d be happy to fulfill that role. I’ve had athreesome before, but it was years ago. Not at all like it is in the movies. Yet, when I think about doing Lace with someone watching us, it turns me the fuck on. When I imagine it’s Bandit, I choke my cock that little bit harder when I’m in my bed, whacking off.
I can’t forget her illicit words, and I don’t know why she’s torturing me like this. Was she just confessing to a friend? Or was she trying to gauge if I’d be the someone? I feel like I’m letting my head get away with me. I’m sure that if Lace really wanted to do those things, she wouldn’t be telling me about them. She’d be doing them.
Still. Some guy is gonna get to be inside her. Some guy who isn’t me. Or maybe two guys. I groan at the idea, my cum spurting as I unleash all over myself. I’m sad, I know. I need to get laid for real. I just wish the only people I could stop thinking about are a girl I can’t have, and a man who acts like I’m practically a leper whenever he’s around. Of course, Bandit doesn’t mind eating my food. I enjoyed watching him scarf down my soup. In fact, I’d like to see him scarfing down a lot more if I had the opportunity.
Down, boy.That ain’t ever gonna happen because he’s well and truly straight. And he has a kid, so he’s definitely straight. Well. I guess that’s not always the case, but there I go again, letting my imagination get away with me.
I clean myself up and as I exit the room; I hear Lace’s voice. I don’t mean to be a nosy bastard, but curiosity has me moving a little closer to her closed door. Thinking about her in bed, under my roof, is about enough to make my balls drop off from desire. But I also have the knowledge that she’s safe here. I didn’t like the idea of her circling apartments that were in dodgy areas, just because she’s new in town and may not have much cash saved. Still. It makes me wonder because, up until recently, she was working as an accountant. I know from Jasmyne at the club thataccountants make a shitload of money. Maybe she’s not good with dough? Or maybe she had student loans? In any case, it’s none of my business.
Then I hear it. A moan. My ears prick up… Is she… touching herself? My eyes squeeze shut as I brace against the wall, knowing I should move away. I mean, I’d be okay with her hearing me, but she might not feel the same way. Yet here I stand, relishing in the slight squeak of the bed as I hear the hum of a vibrator.
“Oh, God!”
I bite my lip. My forehead resting on the wall. This is sheer torture. I silently shove off, unable to take it anymore when I hear her whisper a name. I don’t catch it, it’s soft… so very faint…John? Joe?I stop in my tracks when her groan is a little louder. “Manny!”
My eyes balk.Manny?
“Fuck this pussy. Please…”
My mouth hangs open. I was sure she said another guy’s name before mine, and maybe she is imagining two guys fucking her, but at least one of them is me.
Lace is masturbating to thoughts of me?
A slow smile spreads across my face as I hightail it back down the hall before I get sprung.
So my little ray of sunshine is holding out? She told me that story about the sex club to gauge if I was interested. Maybe I need to make it known that YES, I am interested.
My mouth is dry as I tiptoe back to my room like a stalker in the night. Trying as hard as I can to not make a sound. Just the idea that Lace was getting off and imagining it was me, makes me dizzy. She has no clue I know, and when I think about earlier, she was gazing up at me when she said those salacious things. Lace is a minx. She wants to be fucked by me and this other guy. And she wants him to watch us fuck.
I close my eyes as I sink down onto my bed. My cock rock hard as I imagine such a delight. I knew I had to amp up my sexcapades, but I had no reason to believe that it would include something this tantalizing. I just have to work out who this dude is and if I’d be into it. I mean, she mentioned she thinks he’s bi, but he hasn’t come out, so maybe this would be a great step to explore. For the first time in a long time, I’m excited. My heart rate accelerates as I fist my cock, unable to go back to sleep until I’ve fucked my palm again. This time, the orgasm is that much stronger, knowing that Lace wants me.
Are you up for a visitor this weekend?
Hey, yourself
I smile at the text. Shep and I message every other day. Even though he’s a big hotshot now, he and I are still the best of friends. When he’s visited before, I was just finding my feet, and truthfully, I didn’t know what he’d think of the MC. Now that he knows what I do and who I work for, he wants to meet some of the guys.
So? You good, bro?
You mean you’re gonna leave the jockstrap behind and get on a plane to see little old me? What gives?
He rarely likes to break routine once the season has started.
Playing at Caesar’s Superdome. You should know this
I’ve never been much of a football fan. Well, not for the game itself, anyway.