Page 13 of Manny

She wags her finger at me. “We’ve been friends for a long time now, and I’ve never seen you look at the other girls in the club the way you look at her.”

I sigh. There’s no point in denying it. “Just don’t repeat any of that to her older brother please, I really like my nuts hanging where they are.”

Deanna snorts a laugh. “I get protective. Most of the guys in the club are a little overzealous when it comes to little sisters, girlfriends, and ol’ ladies, but Lace is a grown woman. She’s quite capable of making her own choices without her big brother chiming in.”

“That’s quite a speech, little lady. Do you speak that way to your old man?”

“Yes, I do. It’s one of the reasons he loves me.”

“You sure about that?”

“Fine, I have an amazing tongue as well.”

I pretend to cover my ears and sing. Deanna has become like a sister to me, and we bonded quickly when she joined the club. I love her, but it doesn’t mean I want to hear about her sex life.

I give her a chin lift. “With all the women around here getting pregnant, I thought you’d be the next one to fall victim.” D and Cash already have an adorable little girl, Caprice, and she’s the apple of her Daddy’s eye.

“We’d love to have another, and you’re right, there is something in the water lately. Cash couldn’t get enough of me pregnant,” she says dreamily. Rolling my eyes I wonder why I even brought the subject up.

I love kids, but I’ve never really thought about any of my own. Maybe someday, but I’ve got a lot of things I need to do before then. Sorting my shit out is at the top of that list.

“Again, that’s TMI, but you sure do make cute babies. Plus, your mom and dad would be over the moon to have another grandkid to fuss over.”

Deanna’s father is the prez of the Bracken Ridge Rebels MC in Arizona. They have a place here now and spend most of the winter in New Orleans. They absolutely adore Caprice.

“That’s true, and I know Cash would love to have a dozen more kids running around, but I’d be fine with one more.”

“The man’s greedy,” I chuckle. “But since you are 20 years younger than him, I can certainly see why.”

She points at me. “See! You need to use some of that charm on Lace. I mean, what are you scared of? Aside from her ogre of a brother.”

“I’m not scared. I just think it’s a bad idea. If things don’t work out?—”

“Woah, so you want things to work out?”

I sigh. “You keep this to yourself. Got me?”

Her eyes go round as her head bobs. “Of course, spill!”

I looked down at the bench, unable to meet her gaze. “I don’t know, but just lately I’ve been thinking about things. The one-night thing? It used to be fun, but now it’s kinda just lost its magic. I get sick and tired of meeting for sex, not that I’ve had any of that lately because your old man keeps me here 24/7, I’m just sayingifI did, would that be so bad?”

“Do you want to try and settle down with someone?”

“You make it sound so easy. The dating game is rough these days. It’s not like it used to be.”

“You’re still young, Manny. You’re not even thirty yet. There’s still plenty of time.”

“That’s what they all say.” I give her a smile and she looks at me sympathetically. She’s always been able to see my heart. I’ve no reason to be unhappy. I’m in a good place. I have everything I ever wanted and so much more. But why do I feel like this in my heart? Is it because I have no one to come home to at night?

“Your time will come, you’ll see.” She lays a hand on mine and gives it a squeeze.

I bop her chin with my knuckle gently. “Don’t go feeling sorry for me, Arizona. I’m fine. I get plenty of offers.” Okay, I just added that last part, so I don’t look like a total schmuck. Even in front of her, I don’t wanna appear desperate.

Her phone chimes as she reads the text and then tells me she’s gotta go.

I scratch my chin and glance up at the clock on the microwave. I’m supposed to be meeting Lace for coffee and help her look for available apartments. Just feel like a ass for not offering my place sooner. I know that if I did that, we’d have to make a rule about not bringing people home. It would absolutely kill me to hear her with another guy.

But then, if I do offer Lace a place to live, it’s not like we can start dating. That would be weird and creepy.