Page 14 of Manny

When I get to the coffee shop and I see the sadness on her face and the distress in her eyes, I cave. I don’t like seeing her sad or upset. In fact, it raises a protective urge in me. It startles me a little. I mean, I’ve always been a protective guy, but this feels deeper. More connected somehow. I can’t explain it.

I smile as she makes me a coffee and I sit at the stool behind the counter so we can talk. “Well, you know, I was thinkingabout getting a roommate.” I clear my throat. “If you want, you can room with me until you find something better.”

She blinks a couple of times, taking in my words. “Really?”

I shift in my seat. Unease settles over me as I feel like a schoolboy all over again. The awkward kid who can’t talk to girls. I push that feeling down. “Of course. I’m sorry I didn’t offer before, but you had your heart set on that other place and it seemed pretty likely you’d get it. I didn’t wanna mess with things.”

“You’re just doing this to be nice.”

I level her with my gaze. “So what if I am? That’s what friends do.”

Her lips part slightly. “Right.”

“We just have to talk about the house rules. If you’re serious about moving in.”

“Of course I’m serious. Poor Hope has been an awesome friend, but I can’t live on her couch forever. I know there’s room at Riot and Halo’s place, but they’re still in the honeymoon phase and I think I’d just get in the way, especially now they’re pregnant.” She pauses, then adds. “You don’t have to do this just because you feel sorry for me.”

“That’s not it.”

“You’re just being afriend?” She accentuates that last part.

“Yeah, and I can see how hard you’re trying. My apartment is pretty big, and it seems wasteful to have an empty room just sitting there when you could have it.”

She quirks a brow. “House rules?”

I clear my throat. “Like I said, the apartment is spacious, but we both work opposite shifts, so we’d have to be mindful of each other coming and going.”

And who we bring home.

I want to ask her if she’s still seeing that other guy, but she doesn’t talk about him much. Maybe they’re over. I don’t like theidea of her being with another man. It’s completely selfish and ridiculous, but I’m not thinking rationally right now. Trying to piece together why I feel this strongly about her has me keeping my hands to myself.

“Uh, huh.” She waggles her eyebrows. “Like we put a sock on the door if we have someone over?”

I don’t mean for my eyebrows to knit together, but they do anyway. “Not exactly. In fact, I don’t bring people to my place. Like, ever.” I let the words settle between us.

“Okay,” she says the words, but sounds unsure.

“It’s just.” I take a slow breath.Keep it together. No need to go getting all emotional.“I didn’t have a great childhood. My home is my safe place.”

Her eyes go round at my words, one hand lifts to her heart. Her voice is soft when she says. “I get it.” She reaches over and puts one hand over mine, giving it a squeeze.

I nod. “Okay. So we’re cool with that?”

“Very cool. I’ll respect your home, Manny. I’d never do anything to make you feel uncomfortable.”

“You might want to check it out first. It’s in a nice area; a gated complex in East Riverside. It’s pretty new, but there is only one bathroom.”

“Sounds fantastic, and I’m neat and tidy. I don’t know all the suburbs yet, but I’d love to check it out.”

“Okay, if you’re sure?”

She removes her hands, and I want to ask her about this other guy.Who the fuck is he?“I’m sure. I really appreciate it, Manny. More than you’ll ever know. I… I also had a shitty childhood. It’s not something I wanna talk about, but I get it. I love that your home is your sanctuary.”

I nod. “I appreciate that.” I take a leap of faith when I add, “So your mystery man will have to find some other place for your rendezvous.”

One side of her mouth tips slightly. It’s sweet, just like her. She leans forward. “We haven’t even slept together. He’s kinda… shy.”

I frown. “Shy?” I can’t imagine her around anyone shy. She’s kinda bossy and upfront. The kind of girl who speaks her mind so there’s no guessing games. I like that.