She sighs. “I got drunk and started talking about tattoos, and somehow I confessed to Bronco that he could tattoo my ass.”
My eyes grow wide, then I laugh out loud. “No shit?”
“No shit.”
“And? Did he do it?”
She groans. “No, thank God, but I flashed him my butt cheek to show him exactly where I wanted it.”
“What’s your poison?”
“Tequila shots.”
I wince. “Messy.”
“Never gonna live it down.”
I know she didn’t just call me over here to chit-chat. “What’s up?”
She slides something over the bar to me. “Some guy was in here a few days ago, asking around, said to give you this.”
I look down and freeze when I see the card.Shit.
“Uh, okay, thanks.”
She frowns. “Is everything okay?”
I smile meekly. “Uh, yeah, it’s just my old boss. He was probably just in town, wanting to catch up or something.”
Holy shit balls.
She nods. “I thought so. I got the idea that he was bad news, told him I didn’t know anyone called Lace, but he insisted on leaving his card, so I think the jig is up.”
I gape at her. “Wow, thanks for being so intuitive.”
She shrugs, then, looking around to make sure we’re alone, she leans forward. “Are you in some kind of trouble?”
I frown, knowing my cheeks are turning pink. “No, not at all.”
“If you are, you know you can tell Cash if you don’t want to tell Riot. You’re a club sister, whatever it might be, the club can help.”
I swallow hard. “It’s nothing like that, I promise.” I also don’t like lying, but I don’t want to worry her or have her think it’s in my best interests to run off and tattle to Cash. I shove the card in my jeans pocket. “I better get going.”
She nods. “Okay.” I’m pretty sure she thinks I’m full of shit, but then again, what do I care? Well, obviously I do care; I’ve brought my past to the clubhouse and now Mateo Judice has found my whereabouts. I didn’t do anything wrong, so why is he even here?
My heart races in my chest and I turn to leave.
“Lace?” Manny’s voice has me spinning around.
“Oh, hey.” I wave a hand in his direction. “I’ve gotta run.”
“Didn’t you just get here?”
I bite my lip. Again, I don’t like lying, especially to him, but I need fresh air. I contemplate running, but that won’t help his suspicion. There’s a reason I haven’t told anyone about my old job back in Arizona. I wanted my past to stay in the past. Telling Manny that I wanted a change wasn’t really a lie, but I fled because they were asking me to break the law. I know how itworks with the mob. You do one little favor here, then hide some money there, and then you’re an accessory to embezzlement or money laundering. I don’t exactly see myself wearing an orange jumpsuit for the next twenty to thirty years. I did nothing wrong except flee, so why do they even want me?
I guess it’s because I know how they operate, and where their money goes, or at least some of it. I wasn’t privy to all their business dealings, but now I feel open wide. Like I’ve been some kind of scapegoat and I don’t know what the hell Mateo would want with me now.
I’m nobody to them.