Page 145 of Coerced Queen

Already heading to the landing, I shoot her a grateful smile.“I appreciate it.”

In my study, I use one of the burner phones to dial Nicole’s number.I pace in front of my desk as I wait for the call to connect.

“How are you doing?”I ask when she answers.

“Honestly?I’ve been better.How’s everyone on that side?”

“It’s Anya.She’s not keeping any food or liquids down.”

“That’s not good.”Nicole sounds worried.“It could be the shock.”

“Can you give her something?”

“I could give her an Ondansetron injection to stop the vomiting.I use it in severe cases of morning sickness during pregnancy.The real threat is dehydration.Give me a few minutes to grab what I need from my consultation room.I’ll be over as soon as I can.”

I scrub a hand over my face.“Thanks, Cole.”

“While I have you on the phone, the results of Claire’s blood tests just came in.Everything looks fine.The drug in her system is a mild sedative that’s safe for babies of her age.”

My shoulders sag with relief.“Thank fuck.”

“My thought exactly.”

“Thanks for running the tests.I owe you.”Big time.“And just so you’re aware, a certain Detective Jordan will be in touch.He dropped by this morning to ask some questions.”

“I take it they found the body.”

My tone is grim.“Yes.”

She exhales audibly.“Thanks for the heads-up.”

I disconnect and crunch the phone under my heel before throwing the sim card into the portable burner.Once I’ve fried it, I go back to the room to tell Anya the good news about Claire.

The sight that greets me stops me dead on the threshold.An open suitcase half filled with clothes lies on the bed.Anya straightens from putting a pile of sweaters on top.Her sad, sympathetic smile sets my heart pumping.

“Anya.”My voice doesn’t sound like my own.“What are you doing?”

She simply stands there, looking at me with tears glistening in her golden eyes.

I go over with long strides, stopping short of her.“Where do you think you’re going?”

She cups the scarred side of my face.“You were right.You told me so many times, but I didn’t want to listen.”

“No,” I say through gritted teeth, balling my fingers into fists.

She drops her hand to her side.“After everything we’ve been through, this is the least we owe each other.You have your club and your territories back.The business is no longer in trouble.Things are looking great financially.Raphael is dead.”She stares at me with a soft light in her gaze.“You no longer need me.”

“Like hell,” I say, a tremor working its way through my body from my head right down to my feet.

“You don’t love me.As long as I stay here, neither of us has a chance at finding love again.”

I open my mouth to tell her how wrong she is, but she places a finger on my lips.

“Let me finish,” she says.“I deserve better.Youdeserve better.”

My voice shakes.“You don’t know what you’re saying.”

“What happened—” She swallows, shaking her head as if to physically expel the memories.“It made me realize how short life is.”