“We could’ve lost Claire,” Livy continues.“We almost did.”
“I get it,” I bite out, unable to listen to more.I’m too close to losing my shit as she names those scenarios that drove like white-hot blades into my chest not minutes ago.
My knee throbs when I get off my chair, but I hardly register the pain.I have bigger worries.“I’ll discuss it with Nicole.Maybe she knows someone trustworthy.”
“That may be a good idea,” Livy says, her tone somber.
I motion at Claire.“Do you mind?”Unable to resist, I press a kiss on my angel’s crown and inhale the scent of her baby shampoo to remind myself that she’s here, that they’re all right.“I’m going to check on Anya.”
Livy’s blue eyes soften.“Be gentle with her.”
I limp my way toward the stairs but stop when I hear a noise coming from the guest bathroom.
Going over, I listen at the door.The sound of heaving sends me in a tailspin.I barely knock before yanking the door open.Anya kneels in front of the toilet, tears running over her ashen cheeks.
“That’s enough,” I say through clenched teeth, dropping the cane and rushing to her.“I’m calling Nicole.”
“I’m fine,” she says, her words meek.
“Goddammit, Anya.”I stop next to her.“You’renotfine.”
“It was the eggs.”She gives me a pitiful look that wreaks havoc with my heart.“I couldn’t stand the smell or the sight.”
Hooking my hands beneath her armpits, I hoist her to her feet.She’s small and light in my hold, reminding me how fragile she is.
“How about dry toast and black tea?”I turn her around and brush the damp hair from her forehead.“Do you think you’ll be able to stomach a few bites?”
“I’ll try.”
“Come on, my love.”I lift her into my arms.“Let’s get you back to bed.”
Her protest is weak.“I can walk.”
“I’ve got you,” I say, heading for the hallway.
She wraps her arms around my neck and holds on.“Your knee.”
“My knee is fine,” I lie.
She rests her cheek against my chest where my heart beats with frantic thuds.“I don’t want you to hurt yourself.”
Opting for humor, I say, “I’ll get my wheelchair.I can sit in it with you on my lap and wheel us around the house.”
Her laugh is weary.“That’s not funny.”
I take the elevator and carry her to the bedroom.When I’ve made her comfortable in bed, I tear myself from her side to go make that toast and to call Nicole while I do it.
Livy stands in the hallway with Claire in her arms when I exit the bedroom and pull the door shut behind me.
“How is she?”she asks in a lowered voice, a pleat marring her brow.
Spearing my fingers through my hair, I admit, “I don’t know.”Fuck.“Not well.”I glance behind me at the closed door.“She can’t keep anything down.”
“It could be PTS.”Livy bounces Claire on her hip.“I’ll go make a ginger infusion.That should settle the nausea.”
“I was on my way to make black tea and dry toast.I’ll call Nicole while I’m at it.”
“I’ll take care of the food.You call Nicole.”