But those last words I’d heard about forever made me think of last night, for some reason. What was that about?
A sense of unease settled over me.
His scent was fresh in the air, but Alexander wasn’t in the room or bathroom.
It wasn’t like I’d expected breakfast in bed or a lazy morning make-out session, but the fact that he wasn’t here at all just rubbed me the wrong way.
Maybe it was because the last time we’d been intimate, he’d pulled away just as suddenly. Or maybe it was because the night before we hadn’t resolved any of our preexisting issues before jumping into bed with each other.
It was stupid. I knew that.
But there was something about Alexander’s touch that made me a little stupid.
Not anymore, though.
Hastily getting out of bed, I pulled on my discarded shirt from the night before and Alexander’s robe before heading out of our room.
Alexander’s scent was fresh, so he was probably still in the house. We were going to have a conversation about everything, and I wasn’t backing down until both of us knew exactly where we stood.
I was dizzy with anticipation, my heart racing and butterflies taking up residence in my stomach.
Not that I had any reason to be nervous. Alexander had already chosen me last night. I just needed him to do it again, this time with our clothes on.
My optimistic mood darkened abruptly when I reached the staircase and heard a familiar raspy voice.
A quick look over the banister confirmed my suspicion. It was her.
“...was in a hurry yesterday,” Anastasia said, an odd note of worry in her voice. “He left the medications with me.”
What wasshedoing here, and what medication was she referring to?
Lily didn’t seem surprised by this information as she took the parcel from Anastasia with a curt nod.
“I’ll get them to the alpha when he returns.”
Anastasia’s gaze lifted to meet mine, as though she’d felt me watching her.
I put my chin up and walked down the staircase, even though it was the last thing I wanted to do. I refused to back down to Anastasia in my own home.
I was on the last step of the staircase when Anastasia’s nostrils suddenly flared, and her entire body stiffened.
What was she—oh.
I hadn’t realized it until that moment, but my scent had changed. Underneath the scent of our recent coupling, I smelled like a mixture of myself and Alexander, our scents merged now that we were fully mated.
For someone who was still on shaky ground with Alexander, I shouldn’t have been so satisfied by the wide-eyed look of disbelief on Anastasia’s face.
“Good morning, Eleanor,” Lily greeted me with a pleasant smile, seemingly unaware of the silent exchange between Anastasia and me. “Would you like your breakfast served now?”
I returned her smile, reminded again of Elena. I called her every week, and she seemed to be doing fine in the Red Moon Pack without me.
“That’s fine, Lily.” My gaze moved back to Anastasia. “I just came by to see our guest.”
Anastasia’s smile was so obviously fake she shouldn’t have bothered.
“You don’t need to worry. I was just leaving.”
I adjusted Alexander’s robe and matched her tone.