“Of course you were.”

Anastasia’s eyes flashed with barely restrained anger, and then she stalked away without another word.

The moment she was out of earshot, I turned to Lily.

“Alexander…was he…did he…” I struggled to put my thoughts into words before finally giving up with a sigh. “Never mind. Thank you, Lily.”

Lily nodded once, the shadow of a smile tugging up the sides of her lips.

“The alpha is at the training grounds,” she commented as she casually picked up the parcel on the dining table. “In case you were wondering.”

“Of course. Thank you.” I nodded, flushed and strangely embarrassed as I shuffled away.

While getting ready, I thought of a million ways I could begin my conversation with Alexander. A million questions I had for him. A million things I would’ve told him last night if my words hadn’t failed me.

But when he left his sparring partner and walked up to me completely shirtless, his chest gleaming with sweat and a shadow in his eyes, my throat closed up.

Damn it.

“Eleanor,” Alexander said gruffly.

Goddess, had it always felt like this?

This overwhelming need to touch him, embrace him, rub my scent all over him, and do anythingbutspeak?

It took a few seconds before my vocal cords decided to cooperate with me again.

“Alexander. I was hoping we could…talk.”

His carefully blank expression didn’t shift as he motioned for me to follow him.

“Same here.”

A sense of foreboding swept over me.

I was probably overthinking it.

Alexander had never been an overly emotional person, so I doubted I was the only one here who was nervous about discussing last night and accepting the fact that we didn’t hate each other.

Alexander stopped walking when we were some distance from the training ground, and then he turned to face me, his expression still distant.

I cleared my throat, eager to break the ice.

“About last night,” I began, but he didn’t let me finish.

“It doesn’t change anything between us,” Alexander said curtly.

My world froze, my ears ringing as I tried to comprehend his words.


“It was just sex, Eleanor.” Alexander shrugged, looking almost bored. “As you probably remember, we’ve done it before. It was nothing special.”

Nothing special.

Last night had beennothing special.

Pain lanced through me so sharply that I couldn’t take a full breath without tasting the acidity of Alexander’s words.