Page 29 of A King So Savage

She did not answer, instead turning her head away as men began filing into the room. Kingston’s tone confused her; it was soft but resolute. Like something horrible and wonderful all the same time was about to happen.

There were about fifteen men in all, and at Kingston’s nod, they filled the seats. The overflow of men stood lined up along the walls.

Ava recognized only a few of the men. Oliver, of course. Doctor Abbot, sporting a white bandage on his forehead. Paulie, who was scowling fiercely. And Jack, the giant of a man who helped hold her down on Kingston’s desk the day she arrived.

The other men regarded her with varying degrees of interest. Some did not bother hiding the lust in their gazes. They stared without shame at her sitting in the center of this medieval table like a prized kill from a hunt.


Kingston’s voice swung her gaze back to him. His jaw was tight as he regarded her, and Ava’s chin lifted in defiance.

“Sir,” she spat in response.

“Are you ready to accept your punishment?”

Ava’s heart stuttered in its beat, fear curling inside her belly. “Punishment? But the woods. That was my punishment. You said…”

“I said if you could escape the clearing, I would punish you there when I caught you again,” he interrupted with a cruel laugh. “You did not escape the clearing, remember?”

Ava clenched her teeth, the events in those woods a tangled mess of words and actions in her mind. “But what you did to me. It was enough…”

“Fuck, King. Whatdidyou do out there in the woods with Miss Blue?” Oliver laughed, his light blue eyes raking over Ava’s form with rampant lust. “Something dirty and depraved, I’m sure. Something our father taught you, perhaps? She’s pretty bruised and banged up. Just like we like them, right?”

“Quiet, Oliver,” Kingston snapped before reaching out and pulling his shirt away from Ava’s shoulders. Tossing it aside, his gaze drank in every aspect of her tattered state. “What happened there, Ava, had nothing to do with your escape. That was for me because I wanted it.Youwanted it.”

Ava sat up straighter, despite the torn nightgown falling so far off one shoulder that her breasts were nearly exposed. She glared at Kingston. “You’re a monster.”

Kingston smiled, taking a seat in the one chair at the head of the table. He pushed back far enough that there was space for a person to stand between his outstretched legs.

“So you’ve repeatedly said.” His gaze flicked over his men, his tone turning cold and hard. “All of you, join the others along the wall and face it. Except you, Neil. You have the right to take part in the punishment. Once I’m done with her, you may have a turn.”

There was the scraping of chairs pushing back, and the men who were seated now rose as a group. Turning their backs to the table, they lined up against the wall like children forced to stand in the corner for punishment. Even Oliver did as commanded, his mouth a tight line of petulant obedience.

Neil remained in his chair, his eyes trained on Kingston. Ava did not know if she should be grateful for the fact the other men would not witness her disgrace or not. Her hands began shaking as she worried about Kingston’s intentions.

“Ava, come here.” Kingston’s voice was the voice of a conqueror and one she did not dare refuse. How could she when he stood as the only barrier between her and the lust of fifteen men?

This wasn’t just retaliation for her daring escape. This was a demonstration of Kingston’s power. His rule. His dominion over those he commanded. And it enforced the fact she was safe only with him and even that was a capricious benefit. He could throw her to his wolves at any time.

She slipped off the table with as much dignity as she could muster with bound hands and moved until she stood before him, captured between the table and his chair. Standing between his outstretched legs like a sacrifice to a pagan god.

“Kingston…” Neil muttered, his gaze remaining on Kingston only. “I don’t want her punished. She did what any other normal person would do. Of course, she ran. She’s in survival mode. Don’t you understand that?”

“Oh, I understand. And I understand Ava Blue better than she does herself. But you see, this… this is a necessity.” Kingston’s gaze flickered back to Ava. “On your knees. Now.” He unbuckled his belt. It slid free from the pants’ loops with a quick snap.

Ava stood transfixed, staring at the leather strap now doubled over in Kingston’s hand.

He wouldn’t dare… not here. Not like this. Not with these men in the room. Watching. Panting. Licking their lips like animals hungry for blood.

My blood.

The air thickened, heavy with anticipation. Dripping with the combined lusts of men. Soaked in the desire of a king and those he commanded.

“Knees, Ava. Now.” Kingston’s voice lowered. “Or shall I instruct them all to turn around?”

There was no disobeying that voice. That cruel, cold voice held no hint of amusement or indulgence. Ava trembled but slowly sank to her knees in front of him. A bewildering cocktail of rage, curiosity, and disbelief swirled inside her.

Kingston unbuttoned his pants with one hand, his gaze locked on hers, his mouth a thin line of need.