Neil stood so quickly his chair nearly toppled over.
“You’re wrong for doing this, Kingston,” he snarled before joining the others against the wall. “I want no part in it.”
“Suit yourself,” Kingston drawled in response, giving the doctor a cursory scowl at his defection before his attention swung back to Ava. “Come closer, lamb.”
A sob bubbled in Ava’s throat, but she shuffled between his legs until his knees could close in on either side and keep her trapped if he wanted.
“Closer,” he whispered. She obediently inched forward until her shoulders were even with the inside of his thighs. “Keep your hands in your lap. Now, I’m going to give you a choice in this matter. You’ll receive your punishment from either myself or one man in this room. Do you understand?”
“This can’t be happening…” Ava whispered beneath her breath. “This can’t be real.”
Kingston laughed softly. “Make your choice, Ava. We can’t expect my men to remain staring at the wall all night. Who will it be? Me or one of them?”
It was cruel to throw such a choice in her lap. One was just as bad as the other.
“I don’t want to choose. It’s sick. Depraved.” Her voice trembled.
“Ah, but you must.” His head tilted. “Unless you’d rather pleasure all of us?”
Ava stared at him in horror. He actually meant that. The reality of her situation was abruptly smothering. She couldn’t breathe, and yet there was no avoiding what was about to happen.
“You,” she choked out in a rush. “I choose you.”
How could she make any other choice? Kingston knew she would select him—he only gave her the semblance of control as a way of mocking her.
Kingston nodded, a pleased expression crossing his features. “Very smart of you, Ava. Very smart.”
Ava closed her eyes when she heard the unmistakable rasp of a zipper.
“Look at me, Ava.”
Her eyes snapped open. Morbid fascination crept over her delicate features when Kingston withdrew his cock from his trousers. He roughly stroked a hand down its enormous length.
“Do you know what I’m going to do now?” His voice was deadly soft.
Ava shook her head, her mouth dry with terror and something else… something confusing and dark. This was completely new to her. She’d only seen a man’s penis in movies. But never in real life. Never touched one. Or even thought of touching one. How could something that appeared so threatening, something used as a weapon against her, also be so terrifyingly beautiful?
Kingston’s cock was long and alarmingly thick. Delicate veins tracked up its underside, and the crown was fat and wide. The skin resembled the softest silk, and the dark hair of his groin area was neatly trimmed.
Ava’s eyes rose. Her gaze clashed with his and she shook her head. “I-I can’t do this…”
Kingston stroked himself again, squeezing the thick, mushroom-shaped head between his fingers. “You can. And you will.”
The breathing in the room increased. Ava realized that even if each man’s back was to her and Kingston, they knew what was happening. And they were excited by it. She glanced in their direction, but Kingston’s whip-sharp command startled her.
“Do not look at them. Look only at me, little lamb. They will not see what is about to occur, but they can hear. And they won’t dare turn around unless I tell them to.” Releasing his cock, Kingston suddenly looped the belt around the back of Ava’s neck, using the ends to pull her toward him and hold her in place. “This will keep your eyes where I want them. On me.”
His eyes were nearly as black as the shadows of the room, the pupils blown wide with lust. Ava found herself lost in their velvety depths, lost in his soft, terrifying words as he explained exactly what he was going to do.
“I’m going to fuck your mouth. That’s your punishment, Miss Blue. I’m going to come down that sweet throat of yours, and you will allow it. And if you think of escaping me again, if you dare try it, I’ll give every man in this room a chance to experience this same pleasure from you. Do we understand one another?”
She could not find the words for a response. Terror struck her mute until the belt tightened around her neck.
“Do you understand?” Kingston repeated.
“Yes,” Ava stuttered as he pulled her closer until her mouth hovered over his cock.
Shemustdo this. She must pleasure him as he demanded. And she would, too, if it ensured his men were not free to abuse her as well.