Vrixiel’s tentative smile from earlier returned. “You’re okay?”
“I’m okay.” She patted his hard chest some more. “You know what will make me feel even better?”
“Name it,niela, and it shall be done,” he said, all serious. His guttural voice sent pleasant tingles down her body.
Trixie looked at him from under her lashes. “Being flown to the altar. The wedding altar.”
A beaming smile emerged on his face, so handsome her heart did a little somersault. “Your desire will be fulfilled, you have my word. But may you please wait for a few hours, my lady? The altar built on the station for the observation of Terra’s wedding traditions is currently being used by another couple.”
Trixie snickered. She had been joking about the trip to the altar. Her friends on Terra would never forgive her if she held the wedding without them. “I shall wait, I guess. But only if I do the waiting in your arms.”
A pleased rumble sounded from deep inside of him, and his green eyes flashed. “I intend never to let you go, my special bean.”
“Bean?” Her eyes narrowed at him, and his wings paused mid-flap, leaving them in the same spot in the corridor. “Are you making fun of my size, Vrixiel?”
“What?” A crease formed on his green forehead.
“Because I would not tolerate that. I’m a pocket-sized babe and proud.”
“Niela.” Now he was the one acting offended. “Never would I make fun of you. Ever.”
Oopsie. Trixie might have overreacted. “Why bean, then?” she asked, patting his chest the way he seemed to like.
His tentative smile came back. “Beans are my favorite food from your planet.” Then the spark in his eyes reignited, and Vrixiel added, “And the sight of you makes me hunger, my lady.”
Trixie bit her lower lip. Good thing he was carrying her, because she would have gone weak at the knees. “Well…” She twirled a curl around her finger and gave him a coy look. “We better not keep you hungry. Will you take us home for some… bean tasting?”
He went as rigid as a rock.
Ugh. That proposition did not sound as hot as it did in her head. Had she ruined the moment with her flirty ways? Broken his prudish Gaenthian mind?
He spread his wings and took flight so fast that a passerby grumbled. Vrixiel kept going, unperturbed, a determined look on his face. A look she imagined a soldier wore right before throwing himself into battle.
“Hope you’re not taking me to be checked for brain damage,” she half-joked. “I’m unapologetically direct like that.”
“No doctors,” he said, voice husky. “Just you and me, bean. Home.”
Trixie rested her head on his chest, suddenly lightheaded. When a red-blooded male said things like that, and in that deep voice, and he was not a character in one of her books but a real person focused entirely on her… She just might swoon.
Was she truly ready for whatever naughty plans he might have for their first night together? She was about to find out.
Jelly Pudding
Vrixiel was breaking protocol by flying without an emergency, but he didn't care. In a sense, there was an emergency, simply not a medical or military one but an emergency in his pants. He had to get hisnielahomefast before he gave in to his desire to push her against a wall and taste her lips right here in the corridor, all propriety forgotten. A desire she had openly stated she shared, making the situation in his jumpsuit even more engorged.
Lady Trixie Miller did not fear him. Contrary to Nitiel's claims, she had not been overwhelmed by his medals. Vrixiel had detached and left them all behind anyway when he had deactivated their levitation mechanism to carry her safelyagainst his chest. Hisnieladid not even want to wait until after the wedding to get to know him intimately... She was like a dream come true, thank the Goddess and her endless wisdom.
“We are almost there, bean,” he told his silent female as he entered the residential part of the station. It was empty at this hour of the workday, so he flapped his wings even faster.
“How can you tell?” she asked, snuggled against him like a bean in its pod. Cute enough to eat. “All these corridors look the same to me. Every single one has pale metal walls and floor, with illuminators along one wall and black doors along the other.”
“There are numbers on the ceiling, letting you know which sector you're in. Also, your communicator has a built-in AI you can ask for directions to any sector you require. A communicator as well as clothing await you at our home. Food, too.”
“Mmm.” Her small hand slid along his jumpsuit over one pectoral. “You've thought of everything. I'm in good hands, aren't I?”
Pride swelled in Vrixiel’s chest. “I would like to believe so. Ah, here we are.” Excited, he landed somewhat unsteadily in front of their cabin. “Our home.”