He looked down to see hisniela'sreaction. She was smiling, her bright eyes on the flat heart-shaped metal pieces adorning the door. “Did you make these?”

An answering smile spread across his face. “Yes, my lady. The skill of metalworking runs in my family. This shape wassuggested by our Terran neighbor, to make our cabin look more like alove nest, she said. I used magnets to attach the hearts to the door.”

“Thoughtfulandgood with his hands. I've truly hit the jackpot.” She winked at him. “Let's see what you've got for me inside.”

With greater confidence now that the door decorations had been a success, Vrixiel entered the cabin, hisnielasecure in his arms.

Her eyes rounded as she took the interior in. “Wow.”

He scanned the moderate living space. Everything looked in order, just how he liked it. Not that he had many possessions to cause any clutter, but still. “This is where we will spend time together during the day cycle.”He gestured at the right side of the room where a food-stocked dining table was hovering in front of a large couch. “We will eat here as well.”

Vrixiel saw her eyes grow even bigger, so he added in a rush, “The table can be flown to the bedroom, if you wish. I have read that Terrans enjoy breakfast in bed.”

She blinked, then blinked some more.

She didn't like something. Was it the food preparation area to the left being too small? The illuminator opposite the entrance being too elongated? The shelves levitating by the right wall being entirely taken by his small print book collection?

“Anything can be rearranged to your liking immediately, bean,” he kept talking. “Except the couch. That one was 3D-printed to look and act like Terran furniture, so I cannot move it on my own. However, I can call my friend Subcommander Nitiel for assistance... The color cannot be changed, I'm afraid. Our database lists pink as your favorite color, so I ordered a pink couch... But, if you don't like it, I'll get another one. I will have to get rid of this discreetly, since it is a mating gift from Commander Siriniel of the Swirling Horn Clan, but it can be arranged. Itwillbe arranged–”

Soft fingers brushed his lips. Vrixiel only now realized hisnielawas no longer looking at the cabin but at him, a warm smile on her lovely face. What had he been about to say?

“No changing anything,” she told him firmly. “No rearranging or flying furniture around. This. Is. Awesome!”

His lips quirked. “It is?”

“Don't you go insecure on me now, soldier.” She poked him in the chest. “I love this place! First of all, I didn't expect it to be spacious. Secondly, I was afraid there might be an illuminator with a scary view of outer space. Instead, we can see Jupiter! Another planet visible through my living room window? A-ma-zing! Thirdly, you’ve prepared a feast for me.” She rubbed his chest, eyes sparkling. “And the hot-pink couch with books within reach? That alone wins you a piece of my heart,niel.”

Relief washed over him as well as contentment at her calling himnielfor the first time. “You truly like it here.”

“You bet! I can't wait to test that 3D-printed couch in every way imaginable.” She winked at him again, and Vrixiel was quickly reminded he was tenting his uniform, big time.

“But let's see the bedroom first,” his playfulnielaadded. “Our bed might tempt me more.”

Goddess, did he like the sound of that. Vrixiel took flight and landed only when they were in the adjacent room by their bed.

Trixie’s gaze filled with wonder as she took in their sleeping pod. “Fuck me sideways.”

Vrixiel gaped. She had made her desire for him known, but did she wantthatof him already? What about kissing and tasting her, learning every dip and curve of hers with his lips and tongue before joining them into one–

“This is the awesomest bed I have ever seen,” she went on, oblivious to his shock. “We’ll be sleeping in an open clamshell filled with jelly and waking up to the sight of Jupiter every day!” Looking back at him, she added, “I love our bedroom. Thank you, Vrixiel!... Hey, why are you surprised?”

His wings fluttered, giving away his embarrassment. No way was he going to explain he’d misinterpreted what he now understood was an exclamation of joy, and not an order to take her then and there. “Jelly?” he answered with a question.

“Oh, the jelly.” Trixie shrugged in his arms. “I don’t know what it’s called, but I saw it on the ship that brought me here. It should have cued me in that you guys don't have mattresses;you sleep on jelly pudding instead." She snickered. “This is going to be fun.”

Her brilliant smile was contagious, and Vrixiel found himself grinning. “If byjelly puddingyou mean the special gel that cushions our bodies during the night cycle, then yes. It is fun, bean.” He hoped she could see the burning need in his gaze. “Would you like to test it?”

She bit her plump lower lip. “Very much.”

That elicited a tell-tale groan from him. “Are you sure?” No matter how needy he was, he had to make sure they were on the same page. Always. “The gel is best used without clothes,niela.”

Mischief danced in her eyes. “I tend to go to bed naked, you know. I like the feel of the sheets against my bare skin. Now I'll like this even more, I think.”

He shifted her in his arms until her lips were a feather away from his. “The gel is wondrous against one's skin, yes.”

She licked those delectable lips of hers. “What might feel even better against me isyou.”

Another groan came from deep within him again, and Vrixiel descended on her lips like a Gaenthian starved. She moaned and cupped his face to lock him in place. As the taste of her hit him, Vrixiel nearly came in his jumpsuit. Sweet and spicy, hisnielatasted irresistible. He deepened the kiss, desperate for more of his delicious female.