I glance at Rock, wanting his thoughts on whether or not he trusts these people. He gives a thumbs-up, and I clear my throat before nodding and stepping outside.
“Thank you,” I say. “I wasn’t sure if I was allowed to leave the cabin.”
Chev seems confused, but his expression quickly shifts to fear as he watches me trip over the first root I come across. He hesitates, his arm twitching by his side, before he holds it out for me to take.
I offer him a small smile and shake my head, not wanting to disrespect him just because I’m incapable of walking through the woods. How embarrassing.
“You’re welcome here, but we’d ask that you don’t go walking alone,” he explains. “Shifters have good hearing. You can yell for me when you want to leave, and I’ll come running.”
My lips quirk upward at his word choice. Chev’s a bit more serious than Kato, but he’s just as friendly.
Chev continues to make polite chitchat as he leads me to the center of the pack lands. It’s warm, but there’s a decent breeze that keeps the air from feeling too hot. I enjoy it.
Shifters stop and stare as we pass, and I take solace in the fact that nobody seems outwardly hostile. A few even wave. I gradually grow steadier on my feet, too, and after a few minutes, I’m not making a complete fool of myself.
“This is my home. I made it and moved in when I turned twenty,” Chev says, his chest puffing up as he gestures to the small wooden home we’re passing.
I’m surprised to see it’s the same size as the cabin Rock and I are staying in. I assumed he’d have a bigger home, but I suppose it doesn’t make sense for him to put all the work in if it’s only going to be him.
“You made it yourself?” I ask, impressed.
Chev nods, a smile toying at the corners of his lips. “Shifters always make their homes. I’ll add to it when I find my mate, and I’ll build a new room for each baby we make.” His visible excitement warms my heart.
The shifters sure do love their families.
Chev’s quick to change the subject as he turns and resumes walking. He continues to tug at his skirt as he shows me the pack training room and hospital, and he orders another man to bring him a larger one before taking me to the playground and education center.
“Chev!” a feminine voice rings out, halting his words.
I turn to see a woman sprinting toward us. She looks exactly like Chev and Kato, minus the bulging muscles, but she has the same dark-brown hair and bright-green eyes. She wears an identical leather skirt as the men, but she also has a thick wrapping around her chest that holds her breasts firmly against her body.
“You must be Charlie!” she says, saddling up alongside Chev. “You said you’d tell me when she wakes up.”
Chev shrugs, completely unapologetic. “I was going to bring her to you after the tour. I just have the tavern left.” He turns to me. “This is Echo. My sister.”
Echo grins and wraps her arm around my shoulders. I grunt as I’m pulled around, and I look to Chev for help as she squeezes me against her chest.
“Be gentle with Charlie,” he snaps, concern thick in his voice as he watches my body mold around hers.
“Of course, of course.” Echo huffs, releasing me and giving me some much-needed space.
This is far from what I anticipated when Rock and I escaped from Greed, but I’m not complaining. The shifters are kind.
“I’ll take her to the tavern,” she says. “Dad needs your help with the toddlers, anyway. They’re having trouble with their axes.”
My eyes bulge out of their sockets at the mention of toddlers with axes, but I quickly taper down the shock. The shifters love their families, and I doubt they’d put children in danger.
Their toddlers are probably better equipped to use axes and survive in the wilderness than I am, anyway.
Chev grimaces and turns to me with an apologetic huff. I stare blankly at him before realizing he’s looking for my permission. My cheeks warm as I give a timid nod, the gesture all he needs to turn and rush off into the woods.
Echo watches him leave before turning to me with a sneaky grin.
“Dad doesn’t need help, but I wanted to get to know you without him lingering around,” she whispers, crouching slightly so she can link our fingers together and lead me to the tavern. “I never get to meet any non-shifters, and I’m sure you could use a drink or two after all your travels.”
I open my mouth to let out a polite chuckle, but I wince when all that erupts is a semi-loud squawk. Echo gives me a concerned glance out of the corner of her eye, but thankfully, she doesn’t comment on my odd noise.
Maybe she thinks it’s a human thing.