“We understand,” Gray whispers, pressing a soft kiss on my head. “And we’d feel the same if we were in your position.”
I clear my throat, even more nervous to ask my next question.
“Do you think he’ll find another female like last time?”
Gray chuckles, his fingers lacing with mine.
“No. He’s learned his lesson with Shay.” Gray’s quick to soothe my worries. “Besides, he’s going to be much too busy begging for your forgiveness to pay attention to any other females.”
I clench my jaw in a sad attempt to hold back my smile.
“Bringing me breakfast in bed would be a good start,” I tease, hoping Aziel’s taking notes. “And I’d like it to be handmade.”
Gray snorts. “Good luck with that.”
He lets out another laugh, seemingly quite humored by that thought, before giving me one more tight squeeze and rolling away. I stare at his back, silently tracing the strong muscles that line his shoulders. I want to lick them, but I’ll wait until tomorrow to indulge.
Rolling onto my back, I stare at the ceiling as my thoughts fall to the females.
At this point, as much as I hate to admit it, there’s nothing further I can do about Shay. I’ve begged and begged, and it’s been made clear that my males aren’t going to deviate from their original plan.
It’s three against one, and my opinion carries the least weight.
Rock isn’t going to be any help, either. The shadow’s more than willing to take part in my silly pranks or provide the information my males try to keep from me, but arguing with them is a line he won’t cross. It’s one I won’t ask him to, either.
I resist the urge to scream, and carefully, I slide out from under the covers.
A hand on my ankle stops me, and I turn to look at a bleary-eyed Gray.
“Where are you going?” he asks.
“To get some water.”
He hums and releases me.
I do my best to remain quiet as I tiptoe toward the bathroom, but I pause in the doorway to peer back at them. Silas rolls into the spot I once occupied and throws an arm around Gray.
Gray tends not to love cuddling, preferring his own space, as I do, but he sinks into Silas’s hold with a content sigh. Before I can think better of it, I snatch Gray’s phone off the dresser and open the camera.
They’ll hate that I did this, but I don’t care as I hold it up and take a minimum of twenty photos.
The distraction lifts my mood, and I clutch the device to my chest as I step into the bathroom and shut the door. I chuckle as I fill up my cup and plop down on the toilet.
Gray’s told me his password before, and I rack my brain for it before taking my best guess and tapping the numbers on the screen. It doesn’t work, and I purse my lips before trying again.
I bounce on the toilet seat when it goes through, and I hurry to find the icon that’ll take me to Gray’s photos. I don’t use phones often, and it feels foreign as I click on one of the pictures I just took and set it as his background.
The photo is a bit dark, but there’s just enough light to be able to tell they’re all cuddled together. I’d have used flash if I weren’t afraid of waking them up.
My cheeks hurt from how hard I’m grinning when I see the option to send the photo, and I eagerly type in Silas’s name so he’ll have a copy. Nothing comes up, and I frown before finding my way to Gray’s messages.
He probably saved Silas’s name as something stupid, but I’m sure they’ve texted recently and I can send the photo through the thread.
Rock’s name is at the top of the screen, and I resist being nosy and clicking on it. I’m sure the conversation is about my schooling, and I’m uninterested in reading a subtle roasting between my tutor and my male.
Aziel’s next. It takes everything in me not to peek, and I grudgingly continue down the list.
The name Shay stops me in my tracks, and the screen says that he was texting her today. I click into the thread. They don’t get to prohibit I speak to her while secretly keeping in contact through their personal devices.