Silas wraps an arm around my waist and guides me into the water before pressing himself against my back. I let my head rest against his chest as he pours some shampoo into his palm and begins to wash my hair. He seems to like doing these little things for me, and I can’t say I don’t enjoy it.
He works my hair into a good lather, and I let a quiet moan slip from my lips as he gives me a little scalp massage. Gray’s too rough when he does this, but Silas takes his time.
“I know it’s hard for you to believe, but Shay isn’t a good person,” Silas says. “Did you know she killed all the women Gray was having sex with when they first got together? Then she tried to murder Aziel.”
I shake my head. I had no idea. But I also never thought she was good. That isn’t the issue. “What if she’s not lying?”
Silas disconnects the showerhead from the wall and begins rinsing my hair. It feels relaxing after the tense conversation with Aziel.
Rejecting him was the right decision, even if I know it hurt Gray’s feelings. I know damn well Aziel will come to change his mind about me in the future, and I’d rather not allow my feelings to grow any further before he does.
“It would mean a lot to me,” I continue, hoping to get Silas on my side, even if it’s through pity.
Silas rinses the rest of the shampoo from my hair and reconnects the showerhead to the wall.
“I love you,” he whispers, spinning me around. He kisses my cheeks and forehead. “But we can’t ask around without drawing attention to ourselves. Wrath has been too secluded for too long, and to suddenly show interest will turn heads.”
“I believe her,” I repeat.
“I know, and I’m asking you to believe me more.”
A cold breeze hits my side as the shower curtain is pulled back and Gray steps inside. His hand grazes my lower back as he squeezes past us to get under the water.
“We would’ve been out in a few minutes,” Silas grumbles.
“I’ve been waiting for twenty, and I was feeling left out,” Gray says, hogging the water.
I can’t wait until our new bedroom is done and we have a bathroom with a shower large enough for the three of us. It’ll even have two heads, one for Gray and one for Silas and me.
“There’s a reason we don’t like to shower with you.” I laugh, pushing him aside so that at least a sprinkle of water hits me.
Gray huffs. “Silas likes to shower with me. Don’t you, sweets?”
Silas gives a less-than-excited response as I wiggle underneath Gray’s arm. There’s not enough space for the three of us to comfortably fit, and the realization only enforces my decision to reject Aziel.
It wouldn’t make sense to add another male to our relationship if he can’t even fit in the shower with us. I suppose I don’thaveto shower with all my men at once, but I’d prefer to.
Gray and Silas fight about the water before Silas gives in and leaves. I’m not far behind.
I shiver as the curtain is pulled back and the cold bathroom air hits my bare skin, and Silas tosses me a towel to dry myself off. He also throws me one of his shirts to wear, and I look away to hide my smile as I slip it on over my underwear.
We make our way to bed in relative silence, and Silas is already half-asleep by the time Gray finishes in the shower and joins us. It’s been a few days since he fed, and I look over his black eyes with a low hum.
“Are you hungry?” I ask.
Gray climbs into bed and pulls me into his arms. I relax against his chest, happy to be held.
“A bit, but we can wait until tomorrow,” he says.
Silas’s breathing continues to slow, and I slide my toes along whatever legs I can reach to warm them up. Gray huffs as I make contact with his shin, but he doesn’t say anything about my ice toes as he buries my face into his chest.
“Are you upset with me for telling Azielno?” I ask.
Gray’s throat bobs. “I’ll never be upset with you for being honest.”
“It wasn’t a definite no,” I continue, assuming Aziel can hear me through the walls. The demons seem to be able to hear everything. “I just want him to put in some effort.” I pause and lick my lips, nervous to say this out loud. “He spent months treating me like a burden, and I don’t believe he truly cares about me.”
The sheets behind me shift as Silas rolls over and wraps his arm around my waist.