Page 20 of Her Males

“The shifters aren’t worth your time. Their armies are nothing compared to mine,” Levia argues, playing perfectly into our plan.

Aziel clenches his jaw. “I’m leaving in ten seconds. Either you agree to six months or I’m going to the shifters,” he says.

Levia slams his fists on the table, and a wave of his power flows through the room. I turn to Charlie in a panic, fearful of how overwhelmed it will make her, but I’m relieved to see Aziel snarl and step back.

He hardly seems to be paying attention to what he’s doing as he grabs the hem of his shirt and raises it to Charlie’s mouth. She fights against him, confused, as he pushes the fabric against her face to create a barrier.

“One year?” Levia relents. “That’s the lowest I’ll go.”

“Fine. I’ll send somebody around with paperwork tomorrow,” Aziel responds, continuing to fight with Charlie as he vanishes.

I don’t hesitate to follow, not trusting them alone together. The last time Aziel was alone with Charlie in her frenzied state, he was stupid and tried to soothe her himself.

A thousand-year-old virginal demon with a weak, sex-crazed human is not a good combination.

Charlie is clinging to Aziel when I arrive, her hips rocking hopelessly against his hip as he tries to put her on the couch.


She throws herself at me the moment I say her name, her legs kicking off Aziel’s shins for leverage. He grunts and releases her, and Silas emerges with a cold, wet rag.

“Here,” Silas says, handing it over.

I take it from him as Charlie pulls me into her arms, and I rush to shove her hair out of the way and press the cloth against the back of her neck. My lust isn’t as intense as my dad’s, and it won’t get her nearly as high.

This should be enough to calm her down.

Aziel steps back and watches as I slide the cloth over the back of Charlie’s neck. She clings to me, her mouth on my shoulder as I sit on the couch. Her fingers curl around my forearms as she straddles me, but she doesn’t try rocking or moving as I slide the rag to the front of her neck and down into her shirt.

Silas must have dipped the cloth in ice water, and I feel a bit guilty as Charlie shivers and tries to pull away. It’s too cold to be refreshing, but it does the job nonetheless.

“Is she okay?” Aziel asks.

He sounds concerned, and Silas takes it upon himself to explain how the cold shocks her system and overrides the high. I don’t think Charlie’s health is any of Aziel’s business, but I keep my focus on Charlie.

Her heart rate gradually begins to slow, and I let out a relieved sigh when her pupils begin to shrink back to their usual size.

That’s always a good sign.

After a few minutes, she lets out a nervous laugh and pushes my hand away. I let her.

“Did it work?” she asks.

I pull back and look down at her, eager to confirm she’s no longer feeling the effects of my lust. I can smell that she’s still aroused, but it’s manageable. Charlie offers me a weak smile before turning and glancing at Aziel and Silas.

They linger on the other side of the room, Silas appearing relieved while Aziel stands around with a deep-set frown and furrowed brows. It’s a dramatic shift from the concern he was showing only moments prior, and I have a feeling he’s purposefully putting on a façade.

Why does he even care if Charlie sees his concern?

I’m sure he’s still got his childish crush on her, but he’s made it more than clear he has no intention of bonding with her.

“Well?” Charlie pries.

She mindlessly rubs her temples, and I can only imagine how nasty a headache she has right now. I’ll have her drink some water and take a painkiller before bed.

“We got Levia to agree to a year,” I say. “Aziel’s going to send somebody over tomorrow morning to sign an agreement.”

Charlie looks pleased. “And you’re sure he won’t change his mind before then?”