Demons peek in the doorway and hurry away with pained gasps, no doubt rushing to spread the news that Asmod’s dead. That will be a headache, but it’s a problem for future me.
I gesture for the shifters to come over, wanting to get out of here before any more of Asmod’s guards find it within themselves to play the role of martyr. The two men look petrified as they stare at Charlie, but they snap their gazes away as she tries to rip off my shirt.
She yanks on the neckline, borderline choking me with it as I grunt and wave my arm impatiently.
“Come on,” I snap. “We need to go.”
I grab Asmod’s ankle just as the shifters latch on to my arm. We’ll need his body.
I heave, the effort it takes to bring everybody back to the shifter lands making me sick. Charlie’s clawing hands move to my pants, distracting me, and I snatch them up as the world around us disappears.
The shifters stumble away as their forest materializes around them, and the older man forces his son to the floor so he can inspect his head wound.
My attention’s on Charlie, and I hurry to tug off my shirt so she can have skin-to-skin contact. Her body is hot to the touch, and I don’t know whether my heat is making it better or worse as she cries into my chest.
“Charlie,” I whisper, pushing her hair out of her face to try to capture her attention.
Asmod’s blood smears from her skin to mine, the substance slick and cold. I can’t even fathom why she covered herself in it, and I try to wipe her neck and shoulders clean as she rubs herself against me.
“What’s wrong with her?”
I’m not sure who asks, but I don’t bother looking as I curl my arms around her waist and hide her body from the shifters. She moans and grabs for me, her words incoherent as her skin burns under Asmod’s lust.
“Fuck off,” I snap, sucking in a deep breath as I realize I’ve exhausted myself teleporting them here.
Silas or Gray will be by shortly to help. I’m sure Gray can feel how drained I am, and he’ll probably demand Silas come get us. My muscles ache as I stand and lift Charlie, holding her wiggling body tightly as I turn toward the shifters.
“Where’s the nearest body of water?” I ask.
There’s only one other thing that will make her feel better, and she’s not going to want it from me. My forehead knocks against hers as I kiss her cheek, claiming her in front of the shifters before walking in the direction her toy pointed.
They’re smart enough not to follow, lingering behind and beginning an argument over who’s in charge of carrying Asmod’s body back to their home.
I run my hands down Charlie’s bare back, hoping my touch soothes her ache. She continues to rock against me, and I grab her hip as a large lake comes into view.
Thank fuck.
I don’t bother removing my pants or shoes as I stomp down the bank and walk into the water, continuing until we’re submerged to our necks and her body’s shivering against mine.
Charlie instinctively tries to climb up me to escape it, but I pull back and plug her nose before shoving her head under the surface. I hold her for a second while she fights, and her glare when she pops up has me breathing out a sigh of relief.
A mad Charlie isn’t ideal, but it’s better than one high off Asmod’s lust.
“What the fuck?” she snaps, her feet kicking my thighs as she tries to lift herself onto my shoulders to get out of the cold.
I shake my head, refusing to let the water dip below her collarbones. We will stay here until she’s back to normal, or at least mostly so.
“Aziel,” she whines, changing course and slapping her body against mine.
Her lips are tinted blue as she holds back shivers, and I run my hands up and down her back. Comfort isn’t my area of expertise, and I turn toward the shore and wait for my males to show up as Charlie subtly grinds herself against me.
I pretend I don’t notice, not wanting to embarrass her for something I know she can’t control right now, and I spin us in circles so she thinks I’m too distracted to realize.
Her breath hits my neck in warm puffs, and I place a hand underneath her butt and urge her to wrap her legs around my hips as her squirming grows more violent. I can tell she’s embarrassed by how she cries softly into my skin, but her self-control is little to none right now.
“It’s okay. Use my hip,” I whisper, pressing her harder against me.
Charlie nods with a soft cry, her arms looping around my neck so I can’t move away. I’m grateful for the chill of the water as she uses me, the frigid temperature preventing me from breaking my composure.