Page 106 of Her Males

“I’m sorry,” she moans, her voice breathy as her eyes roll back.

Her body relaxes as she comes down, and I gently pry her away before scooping up a handful of water and pouring it over her shoulders. I need to get this blood off her. The sight of it is enticing, and I only have so much restraint.

She refuses to make eye contact as I clean her, and I listen to her racing heartbeat to distract myself.

“You have to go under so I can clean your hair,” I say, wincing as my finger gets stuck in one of her tangles. She has chunks of Asmod’s flesh caught in it.

“There are tangles,” I whisper, not wanting her to know there are body pieces in her hair.

Thankfully, she doesn’t seem to realize as she brushes her foot against my leg and sighs.

“There’s a shower in my cabin,” she admits.

I freeze. She has her own cabin? I wish I knew that before I cleaned her with dirty pond water.

Charlie holds back a laugh at my annoyed expression. The sight of her twitching lips brings about a smile of my own, even if it’s at my expense. I can’t tell if she realizes I know about her and the shifter, but I don’t bring it up as I carry her out of the water and set her on her feet.

She never made any promises to me, so I don’t have a right to be mad over her actions. Even if I do want to rip the dick off that fucking shifter.

I also want to rip the dicks off Silas and Gray. Their willingness to sit back and let Charlie be taken to Lust has my blood boiling. They can be mad all they want, but they lost my respect when they left.

Charlie crosses her arms over her chest in a sad attempt to cover herself, and I grimace before trying to teleport to where I took my shirt off earlier. I realize it’s not going to work immediately, and I settle with pulling off my wet sock and holding it out for her to use.

She cringes and jerks her head to the left.

“It’s this way.”

I lift a brow as she spins and begins leading the way, and I bite my tongue to refrain from launching into a tirade of questions. Her skin is covered in bruises and wounds, all in various stages of healing, and I’m dying to know why.

I doubt the shifters are abusing her.

The muscles in her back flex as she walks, and I can’t resist reaching out and tracing one of the long scratches on her shoulder. Her steps slow at the contact, but she doesn’t tell me to stop so I move to the next one and repeat the action.

“Where are Gray and Silas?” she whispers.

I don’t respond, not knowing what to say, but that seems to be answer enough. The scent of her tears reaches my nose a moment later, but she’s trying to keep them hidden, probably so I don’t try to comfort her. She did her males wrong, and I won’t lie and tell her it’s okay.

“Do you know where Chev and Kato went?” she asks.

“No,” I admit.

They won’t stay hidden for long, and I’m sure we’re currently being watched.

I’d be more alert if Charlie weren’t so distracting, but it’s not like I can do anything even if I spot them. I can’t teleport myself right now, let alone with Charlie, and there are too many shifters here for me to fight off myself.

I’m at their mercy, and I’m sure they know it.




AZIEL WALKS AROUND my cabin, inspecting everything. He makes the room feel small, and I stand against the far wall as he does a lap of the place I call my home. I wish Rock were here to ease the tension, but Aziel said he chose to remain in Lust.

Aziel’s lips twitch as he spots the braided leather I’ve been working on, Echo having asked me to help her get the strands all tied together during my free time.

“Why are you here?” I ask as Aziel pulls open my fridge.