Silas watches the exchange with a raised brow. I’m sure he remembers me doing this to him when he first permitted me to enter his mind. I don’t do it much anymore, but maybe I should start up again.
“You two are being stubborn. Just give her the money,” Gray says, rolling onto his belly and propping his upper body up on his elbows.
I ignore him, focusing on the spreadsheet Silas is showing me. I’m grateful he put in the extra hours to get this done quickly, even if I disapprove of the dark bags under his eyes that have worsened as a result.
He can’t avoid sleeping forever, and sooner or later, it will catch up with him.
I let out a quiet sigh and turn to Gray. The incubus isn’t looking much better, and he’s growing gaunt now that he’s returned to his hunger strike.
“And what do you propose we do when Mammon attacks and we have no money with which to support ourselves?” I ask, pushing Silas away when he reaches for my shoulder. “Do you want to be the one to tell the Wraths we can’t protect them because we brought ourselves to ruin for the affection of one individual human?”
Gray frowns and scrambles to his feet, his movements clunky in his hungered state.
“Don’t give me that shit. I know damn well you’ve got the funds to cover this. It’ll be a squeeze, but it’s entirely doable.” He approaches my desk and spins the computer in his direction.
I sit back and wait for him to read it over. He’s not wrong in his claims, but that doesn’t mean I’m going to roll over and hand Mammon the money before exploring other options. It’ll put us in too defenseless of a position, and it’s not worth the risk.
It’d be too easy for Mammon to turn around and attack me after she gets my money.
Our best bet is to turn the shifters on our side. We’ve managed to implement similar programs already, and it makes sense that we’d be best suited to lead at a larger scale.
Mammon’s in over her head, and I need the other breeds to see it.
“If Charlie’s able to talk to the shifters, we won’t have to pay much of anything,” I point out, turning to Silas for confirmation.
He nods, but he’s hardly paying me any attention. Gray sways and sets the computer back on my desk before sinking onto the couch along the far wall.
He needs to feed.
Silas meets my eye before subtly shaking his head. I know he doesn’t want to force Gray, but at some point, that’s what it will come to.
“We told Rock to give Charlie the message days ago, and she still hasn’t responded,” Gray says.
Silas’s fingers burrow into my shoulder as he leans over my back and begins messing with the computer. He’s been touching me more recently with small gestures like this, and I find myself distracted by them every time.
Gray watches as Silas’s hand slides to the neckline of my shirt. I lean back in my chair, my skin growing warm as I let myself enjoy the touch. Gray sits up with a huff, his eyes narrowing as he tries and fails to hide his attention.
This is the most interest Gray’s shown in days, and I’ll be damned if I let the opportunity slip. His resolve is weaker when he’s hungry, and I’m not above taking advantage of that.
“On your knees, Silas,” I demand, spreading my legs so Silas can kneel between them.
My desk cuts off Gray’s view as Silas drops to the ground, and I turn to make eye contact with him as Silas gets to work undoing my pants. Gray cranes his neck to see us, his frown deepening when I shift to block his view.
I bite back a smile and run my fingers through Silas’s hair before gesturing for Gray to come over. He hesitates, his teeth sinking into his bottom lip as his lust begins to fill the space.
He’s going to give in.
“Come join, Gray. I know you’re hungry,” I say, stiffening as the air around us begins to move.
I turn toward the source, my body on high alert as Silas fixes my pants and bounces to his feet in the time it takes me to blink. Gray’s a bit slower to react and doesn’t realize what’s happening until Rock materializes inside my office.
The shadow pants as he sorts himself out, his eyes darting around before settling on Silas and me. He blinks a few times to clear his vision, his panicked expression enough to have me rounding my desk.
“Charlie’s gone,” he says, holding out his arm.
My throat runs dry as the words process, and I grab Silas before taking Rock’s arm. Letting somebody teleport you to an undisclosed location is generally a bad idea, but I don’t bother asking for details as I bear the brunt of the shift and let Rock lead the way.
It takes more effort than I anticipated, but I find the answer to my unspoken question when the world materializes around us and I realize a certain incubus decided to hitch a ride.