I try to bite the incubus to my right as we halt in front of a set of gold doors, but he shoves me through them before my teeth make contact. My knees burn as they scrape against the floor, earning a pained hiss from me, and I spin and crawl away from Asmod as he traps us alone in the room.
A quick glance tells me I’m in a bedroom, and I use the leg of the bed frame to help me stand. My feet wobble, the muscles protesting after the sheer amount of tumbles I’ve taken in the past ten minutes.
“Aziel will kill you if you touch me,” I threaten, skirting around the bed and backing up against the far wall.
Asmod’s eyes return to my thighs, and I tug down my skirt to hide them from view.
“You’re dripping shifter, Charlie. Don’t lie to me.”
I hold out my hands to push him away, but I sway when the full extent of his lust hits me. My pulse races at the exact moment my sex clenches, and I instinctively lean toward him for more.
Asmod’s all too happy to comply, stepping into my space and allowing me to bury my face in his neck. His hands soothe my growing burn, and I grab his shirt and pull it toward me with a loud moan. I want to be inside this man’s skin.
There’s a lingering pain in the back of my head as he shoves his knee between my thighs and pulls me up onto his leg, but it’s impossible to focus on it through the fog that’s become my brain.
“I’m going to ruin you,” Asmod says, cupping my waist.
I nod, happy to hear it. Iwanthim to ruin me.
“I’ll enjoy telling Gray how much you begged for me. Maybe if you’re lucky, I’ll let you give him a show,” he teases, trailing his fingers up my arm.
The burn grows the longer he prolongs his touch, and I bury my face into his chest in the desperate hope of stopping it. It feels like my every nerve ending is on fire, and he’s the only thing that can cool me.
Asmod laughs when I grab his arm and try to shove his hand up my skirt. My hips rock against his thigh, but my mind trails to Silas and Gray.
Asmod grabs my chin and forces me to look him in the eye, his face similar to Gray’s but not quite as pretty. My eyebrows furrow as I look away, wanting my incubus to soothe my burn more than this man.
“Where’s Gray?” I slur, my eyes slipping shut as Asmod encourages me to slide my hand underneath his shirt.
I try to move away, not wanting this. Asmod tuts, the sound of disappointment bringing tears to my eyes. I want Gray. My anger flares when Asmod doesn’t let me move, and I glare at him before craning my neck and smashing my lips to his.
He doesn’t hesitate to return the kiss, and he lets out a throaty moan as I curl my fingers around my necklace and tear it from my neck. Asmod’s too distracted to see what I’m doing, and I slam the stone against the front of his throat as he grabs a fistful of my hair.
His body stiffens before dropping, and I follow as his hand knots in my tangles and yanks me down. A loud cry slips from my lips at both the pain on my scalp and the abrupt pullback of his scent, the burn intensifying until it takes everything in me not to scream.
I grab a piece of cloth off the floor and shove it in my mouth as I scramble to Asmod’s bedside table and rip it open. There’s a lot of random shit inside, but just in like Gray’s bedside table, a small knife lives at the bottom.
My skin drips sweat as I drop to my knees next to the unconscious man’s body, but I hardly feel the same guilt I did with the fox as I bring the knife to his throat and slip it into the big vein on the side of his neck.
Blood pools and coats me and the floor, and I scream into the cloth between my teeth as I pull the knife out and sink it back into his throat to ensure he doesn’t wake up. Then I do it again for good measure.
Asmod’s blood soothes my burn, and I cry out as I desperately spread the red liquid on my skin to alleviate it.
I TRY NOT to let my annoyance show as Gray sprawls on the floor in the center of my office. His mind’s a fun mixture of boredom and arousal as he turns toward Silas and me, but it quickly shifts into anger as he feels me prodding around in his head.
He tries to kick me out, but I ignore his wishes and continue searching, enjoying seeing the years of thoughts he’s had about me. It turns out my incubus has been more obsessed with me than I ever realized, frequently watching me sleep and keeping tabs on how often I’m eating.
His eyes narrow as I bring his memory of Silas once catching him in my bed to the forefront of his mind. Silas laughed and teased him until I returned a few days later, but Gray still snuck into my room each night despite it.
Gray tries harder to force me away, his regret over giving me entrance prominent as I finally pull back and let him have his privacy. For now.