Page 30 of Her Males

“I love you!” he shouts as I leave the room.


These men hear practically everything, and I make my way to the bathroom farthest from him for that exact reason.

Some things are meant to be private.

I whistle quietly as I head upstairs and into the bathroom I share with Gray. It feels nice to have some time to myself, and I take my time washing my hands and fixing my hair after emptying my bladder.

It feels like a new product has been added every time I come in here, and I apply some of the fancy hand moisturizer Gray bought me before reading the label on the back of some scrub I haven’t had the chance to use yet.

It’s written in the demonic language, so I only understand about three words, but it’s three more words than I knew six months ago.

I twist open the top and smell the scrub. It’s floral, and I lean in to give it another sniff when I notice some movement in the mirror. I drop the bottle with a gasp, my mind in a panic as it clatters to the floor.

My feet trip over themselves as I spin around, and I curl my fingers around the sink basin as Shay materializes in the room. Her cold eyes are locked in on me, and I instinctively clutch at the stone necklace Silas gave me.

Am I hallucinating? I won’t hesitate to use my stone if she tries to hurt me.

Shay’s lips curl into a smirk as she watches my reaction to her, but the expression falls when I open my mouth to scream.

“Wait, please!” she rushes to spit out.

She lifts her hands in peace, and I feel my blood rushing through my ears as I step back into the sink to place some additional distance between us.

“I’ll cut to the chase,” she says, her voice low. “Levia’s in talks with the ogres. He’s pissed about Aziel’s findings and intends to start a war.”

What? I struggle to wrap my mind around this information.

Shay makes no attempts to pretend like she’s not evaluating every inch of my body as I cower, her cold gaze calculating.

“He doesn’t care about the protection of females, and he intends to use Aziel’s findings to force female births and sell the women for profit,” she continues.

My throat runs dry, and I tighten my grip on my necklace as she takes a step closer to me.

“Why would he do that?” I ask.

“He’s the King of Envy. I don’t know why he does anything he does.”

“And why are you telling me this?” My voice shakes, and I clear my throat in a sad attempt to hide it.

Shay rolls her eyes.

“Your males can attest to this, but I have a vagina. My loyalties lie with the females more so than Levia,” she says, shrugging. “Barely.”

Her remark about Gray and Silas makes my blood boil, but I push my anger deep down. She could kill me with the snap of her wrist, and I’d do well to remember that.

I don’t even know if she’s telling the truth.

As much as I want to believe somebody wouldn’t lie about this, her prior actions make me skeptical. Shay’s had it out for me since we met, and I know she has ulterior motives. She’s made it clear that she intends to have Aziel, Gray, and Silas for herself.

“Levia agreed to Aziel’s plan,” I point out.

Shay pinches the bridge of her nose with a loud sigh.

“Yes, I was there for that,” she says, speaking slowly, as if talking to a child. “And I’m telling you he’s lying. Do you know what that word means?”

I suck my cheeks into my mouth.Bitch.