Page 59 of Taming the Demon

“It’s going to be okay, Macy,” she whispered. “They’ll protect you. I’m so sorry.”

“I love you, Mara,” Macy whispered in a slurred voice. “I should have never let this happen between us. I ran out to the car with Fitz because I was worried about you. He was always a psycho. We always had bad choice in men…”

Macy snorted, then fell asleep. Mara found herself pressing her fingers against Macy’s neck, feeling her pulse and praying that she would keep her pulse. Tears filled Mara’s eyes once again. She thought about the baby in her womb.

What kind of life is this to bring a baby into?

Chapter Twenty-Four

The Left Breast Blues

Muffin placed a plate in front of Mara.

“Warm apple pie over vanilla ice cream and cinnamon on top,” he said with a wink. “Might not be as good as a shot of whiskey, but damn close.”

“This looks like heaven,” Mara said. “How am I supposed to eat this when my best friend is in another room getting looked at by a doctor?”

Muffin leaned down and offered a somber grin.

“Look, at the end of the day, there are those who breathe and those who don’t. Those who eat and those who can’t. Those who are alive and those who are dead. You starving yourself… what will that prove? You’ve got a little life inside you.”

Mara nodded. “Wise words, big man.”

“I’ve got plenty more for you too,” Muffin said. “You better be ready. I’m going to feed you endlessly for the next nine months, and beyond.”

“I look forward to it. I hate to cook. I’m not good at it and I generally refuse to do it. Makes you wonder why anyone would want me, right?”

“You’re beautiful,” Muffin said. “Now eat up before Cyrus gets wind of that pie.”

Cyrus did get wind of the apple pie. He was good and drunk again, sitting at the bar, gently swaying. This was long after Mara finished her apple pie and ice cream.

She stared at the hallway, waiting for someone to emerge to tell her what was going on with Macy. The club called in the female doctor she had seen a few times before. Mara didn’t really know much about her, other than the fact that when she was around, Cyrus turned into a schoolboy with a crush.

“This fucking pie is better than eating cunt!” Cyrus howled with a drunken, evil laugh.

He looked at Mara and the President ofSOFRAWhad gooey apple and melted vanilla ice cream all over his lips and chin. She forced herself to smile at Cyrus. The pain the guy felt though…

Darrow and Linc came walking from the back of the clubhouse and Mara no longer cared about Cyrus.

“How is she?” Mara asked Darrow.

“They’re still in the room. Don’t worry, Dr. Hazel knows her stuff,” Darrow said.

“Yes, she does,” Cyrus called out. “She’s a fucking legend around here, you got that? She’s royalty. Her mother, Ginger? She was something else. And thenJChimself! Raise a glass to him!”

“Prez, easy there,” Linc said. “You’re going too far again tonight.”

Cyrus waved his hands and shook his head.

“Don’t worry about him either,” Darrow whispered to Mara.

“I’m worried about Macy,” Mara said.

“Me too, babe. I’m sorry. I’m sorry about this.”

“I should be the one sorry, Darrow. I’m…”

“No, babe. You’re not involved. You didn’t cause it. Believe me, there will be hell to pay. All around.”