Mara opened her mouth but then saw Dr. Hazel. She basically threw Darrow out of the way.
“How is she?” Mara asked, grabbing at Dr. Hazel.
“Can we talk privately?”
“For what, Jess?” Cyrus slurred. “We’re all in the mess together. I want to know what Fitz did to her. So I can plan things accordingly.”
“This fucking life,” Dr. Hazel—Jess—said.
“Dr. Hazel,” Mara whispered.
“Oh, please, call me Jess.Dr. Hazel… not right now. I’m an outlaw right now. No better than the rest of these drunk degenerates.”
“Just say everything,” Mara said. “Is Macy going to survive?”
“She’ll survive,” Jess said. “Wounds heal. Cuts scab over and scar. Up here though…” Jess touched the side of her head. “She’ll need someone to help her through this. He kidnapped her and hurt her. Wrists and ankles are bruised. Right ankle has a minor sprain. I wish that was all.”
“He did stuff to her,” Mara said, feeling sick. “Like…stuff…”
Jess frowned and nodded. “There were marks. Bruises. Tearing. Um… other places too.”
“Fucking hell,” Cyrus said, slamming his hand on the bar.
“She’s also extremely dehydrated,” Jess said. “I have her on anIVto help with that. She’s sedated to get some much needed rest. She’s going to wake up and be very confused. Make sure there’s not a crowd near her. Don’t want her to get scared and lash out and do something stupid. Or there’s a chance she wakes up and pretends everything is fine. That’s the one you have to worry about. Holding this stuff in. And since you’re not handling this the proper way…”
“What does that mean?” Mara asked.
“She needs medical care,” Jess said. “It’s one thing to stitch up a cut or pull a bullet from some biker’s shoulder. This is different. Fitz hurt her. He wants you to know he did this. Please tell me you’re all not that blind.”
“Leave the outlaw stuff to us,Doc,” Darrow said.
Cyrus almost launched himself from the bar, trying to get to Darrow.
“Don’t ever talk to her like that ever again!” Cyrus roared.
His eyes were suddenly bright and sober, ready tokillDarrow.
“It’s okay, Cyrus,” Jess said. “I just know how this game works. That poor woman in there didn’t deserve what was done to her.” Jess swallowed hard. “Not sure what you all saw yet or not, but he tattooed her also. Her left breast.”
“Are you fucking serious right now?” Linc asked.
“What tattoo?” Mara asked.
“His name,” Jess said. “Usually you guys just do initials. He tattooed his name on her chest.”
Mara took a shaky breath. “I have to go see her.”
Mara hurried around Jess and covered her mouth with one hand and touched her stomach with the other.
First, she would vomit, then she would check on Macy.
“I’ve not heard the word out loud, but we all can imply what Fitz did to her, right?” Darrow asked Jess.
“Yes. Several times. And not just with… himself. There were objects involved. It’s fucked up, okay? It’s really fucked up. And I don’t want to be here anymore, so I’m leaving. If she has any other issues, she needs to go straight to a hospital. No fucking around. I’m serious. Got it?”
Jess could easily command a room full of outlaws. Maybe it was her beauty. Maybe it was the aura of being a doctor. Maybe it was her blood—the fact that her father startedSOFRAW. She didn’t demand respect but she sure as hell got it.
“Want a drink before you leave?” Maggie asked.