“Prez,” Linc said. “We have business at hand. Word is out about the club having a rough go.SS13last night…”
“Where are they?” Cyrus asked.
“Chained up in one of the garages,” Slade said.
“Keep them there. Alive. Leave them be for when Priest gets back. He can slice them up.”
“Let’s giveMousea call,” Linc said. “Show force.”
Mousewas the nickname for Miro, President ofSteel Streets 13.They all called himMousebecause he loved to sampleyellow bunnyand anyone who stood close enough and tried to talk to him, all they’d focus on was his nose twitching like a mouse.
“I got into the phones of the two guys and they have nothing about our rat problem,” Darrow said. “So it’s not connected. They were really thinking of making a play last night. They were going to take me out, Cyrus.”
“Well, Chief Dick has all the background noise of it under control,” Cyrus said. “You know what? Call upMouse. Get him here. Let him see his guys. I’m going to have another cup of coffee and a shot of whiskey. Hangover is almost gone.”
Cyrus exited prayer. Darrow and Linc were the only two who stayed behind. So they could call upMouseand tell him to come get his guys.
Which was a total lie.
Mousecame with four guys.
They had low steel frames on their motorcycles with the high reaching handlebars. They looked and sounded like toys. Each was wearing bucket helmets with flames on the sides.
Far from looking like a formidable crew, but the truth wasSS13were a ruthless bunch. If they could just find a way to sell moreyellow bunnythan they put in their arms and up their noses, they would be a really big problem for the other crews around.
“Seems like two of your guys got lost last night on the way home,” Cyrus said as he approachedMouse.
The two exchanged a forced handshake.
“Who did you grab?”Mouseasked. “I bet it was Lilo and Nio. Those shady fucks. Every time we talk about expansion they want to run right through this town. I’m sorry, Cyrus. Some of the young blood just can’t respect what we have here.”
“Yeah,what we have here…” Cyrus grabbedMouse’sleft shoulder. “I’ll show you the guys. You tell me if they’re definitely yours. Tattoo on the neck gives it away but you never know.”
Mousewalked and when his other guys tried to follow, members ofSOFRAWappeared from nowhere, forming a wall of pissed off outlaw bodies. One of the guys called out something toMousein Spanish. Custer swung an ancient fist, hitting the guy in the mouth, knocking him out cold.
“Let the boys handle their shit,” Cyrus said toMouse.
When they got to the garage, Cyrus pounded on one of the large doors and it opened a second later. Linc appeared and turned sideways to giveMousefull sight of his two guys, naked and chained up. Their clothes on the floor under them, theirleather cuts withSS13right on top, making it so every time one of the guys took a piss, it landed on the leather cuts.
“I don’t fuck around,Mouse,” Cyrus said. “You’re lucky if you leave here today alive. What do you think, because we have a guy in the hospital we’re unable to function?”
Mouseswallowed hard.
“Lots of rumors on the streets, huh?” Cyrus asked.
“Here’s what we do now,” Linc said. “You tell us if Fitz has talked to you guys. Be honest.”
“I’ll help with that,” Darrow said. He had a cellphone in his hand. A few swipes on the screen and a live camera feed popped up. “Here we go. Look at this.”
Darrow turned the screen around andMouse’s eyes grew wide.
“You fuckers,”Mousesaid.
“I think that’s your…abuela…?” Cyrus asked with a grin.
“Stay the fuck away from my family,”Mousesaid.