“Wonder how green in the face Cyrus will be.”
“Maybe today will be the day Priest wakes up from the coma.”
Mara turned her head, looked up, and frowned. “I still can’t believe that. That Fitz did that to him. I feel like I’m part of it, Darrow. And I know I’m not.”
“I get it. I’ve been feeling all fucked up for a while, babe. Watching you in the clubhouse. Watching you drink and seeing how sad you were. Picking fights with Maggie.”
“She’s a slut.”
“She’s adeecee.”
“She’s a protected slut.”
“Yeah, she is.”
“Have you and her… you know what, don’t answer that. I don’t want to know.”
“Don’t worry about where I stick my dick, babe.”
“Gee, that’s sweet of you to say. You know, I’m actually pregnant, Darrow. I can’t have you… fucking other women and then come back to me.”
Darrow touched Mara’s face. “Don’t ever tell an outlaw what he can or cannot do with his cock. Ever, babe. I don’t give a fuck if you’re pregnant or not, my cock is my business.” He leaned down. “And if you think for a second I would do anything tohurt my unborn child, then you don’t know a fucking thing about me.”
Darrow kissed Mara softly and then backed away. When he got to the door, he looked back.
“Also, you should probably call your doctor. I don’t mind making fake reports and hacking into things, but this time it’s for real.”
Darrow grinned. Mara smiled and then bit her bottom lip. When Darrow shut the door, her eyes filled with tears.
She was never so happy and scared in her entire life.
Cyrus sipped his coffee, then threw back a shot of whiskey. He stretched his neck and blinked his heavily bloodshot eyes a few times.
“How many is that?” Linc asked.
“Three,” Cyrus said. “That’s whatJCtaught me. Best hangover medicine in the world. Cup of coffee, shot of whiskey. Repeat it three times.”
“Seems standard,” Slade said.
“Well, you start the morning with twodeeceeswrestling for your cock,” Cyrus said. “Shoot those loads out and jumpstart the heart a little.”
“You know, I can picture Priest here right now,” Darrow said, pointing to the empty seat. “Making comments about drinking so much that his cum would have alcohol in it. And how he’d want to sell it.”
“Fuck,” Cyrus said and chuckled, shaking his head.
“Right?” Darrow asked.
“Remember the time he wanted to trick a woman into taking birth control?” Monte asked. “So he suggested jerking off andputting the pill into his cum. Like people do with pills for dogs and peanut butter.”
“What a sick fucker,” Linc said.
“The worst,” Dee said.
“Disgusting human,” Custer added in a gruff voice.
Cyrus stood up and grabbed Priest’s chair and threw it back, smashing it against the wall.
“This table is too empty!” Cyrus roared.