“Do the others regret having been turned?”
“Nay. They like that they can run as wolves, have longer lives, and their injuries heal in half the time that it takes humans. And they like being part of the pack and members of the clan.”
“That is good. Did anyone object to being turned?”
She laughed. “It seems to me that she is happy enough now.”
“Aye. She is a good cook, and except for her trouble with shifting during the meal sometimes, she is happy here with us.”
He and Accalia finished the meal, and he planned to hug and kiss her before she left. But she jumped out of her chair. “See you.” She hurried off to gather the boys and head them out of the hall. They hugged her, and she hugged them back and kissed each of their heads.
He and his kin watched her, and he could tell they approved of her actions as much as he did. Even the original staff turned by his people seemed to love her.
“Well,” Logan said, joining him. “It appeared you were going to kiss her but missed the opportunity. I swear no one left the great hall expecting to witness it. Several were disappointed that they didna see you kissing in the bailey. What happened?”
Finlay was right there, overhearing the conversation.
Erik wished he wasn’t the center of attention and that no one would know what he had in mind to do—especially when it didn’t go the way he had wanted it to. If it had, that would have been another story.
“She was so eager to send the boys off to bed and join me on a wolf run, she hurried off.”
Logan smiled. “I assumed that. All right, I’ll gather a guard detail then.”
“I’ll join you in the inner bailey shortly.” Erik looked forward to running with her and enjoying the beauty of his lands at night.
“You want me to send Ragnoff and his cousins on their way?” Finlay asked.
“Aye. If Leifson had forced them to remain with him, that would be one thing. But they rallied to his cause and it’s up to them to deal with it.”
“I agree.”
Erik was glad both his brothers were such a help in running the pack. He knew if anything should happen to him and Accalia was his mate, they would take care of her and the boys. He hoped they wouldn’t have to deal with more brigands on the run.
Accalia hurriedthe boys to bed, eager to join Erik on their wolf run across the land. She wanted to find the perfect fishing spot to take the boys and teach them to fish in their wolf coats in a few days.
She thought Erik had looked like he would kiss her after they finished the meal, but when they kissed the next time—she wanted it to be in a more private setting. That way no one would have any expectations about them if it didn’t work out between them.
The nannies soon entered the chamber, looking less stressed now that the boys were much better behaved. She was so glad she could help them.
“What did Da say about what had happened with the brigands?” Thorfinn asked.
“Nine of the villains were killed and two escaped. The goal is to capture one alive, learn who oversees the men, and send them to fight us. So we dinna want to kill all of them.”
“After he told you who he worked for, then you kill him?” Thorfinn asked.
“Aye. His loyalty remains with his lord. If we let him go, he would return straight to him and tell him what had happened and then we would face the enemy in another battle.” After she spoke, she realized it wasn’t the best bedtime story to share with the lads.
Then again, after dealing with what they had, they would probably still have nightmares about it no matter what.
The boys climbed onto their beds, and she kissed each of them on the forehead. “Now sleep tight. Your da and I are running as wolves tonight and then we’ll be off to bed after that like all good wolves.”
“What if the brigands attack again?” Frowning, Thorfinn sounded worried about them.
“Whoever sent the men will have even fewer. And maybe we can capture one of them this time. But I suspect they will be too scared to return for another engagement.”