“They willna give you trouble here,” Erik said. He would see to it.
Accalia laughed. “They would never win.”
He smiled, loving that she was confident in her abilities. “I thought that mayhap Bessetta could stay in your bedchamber and then you could join me in mine to free up the room while they visit for the next few days.”
“Oh, aye, I can give up my room to Bessetta and then stay with the boys.”
Thatwasn’twhat Erik had in mind! And with Alasdair’s brothers there, if they came with him, Erik wanted to ensure she was not alone with them at any time, in case they were more in the mood of courting the she-wolf than giving her grief now that they were all older.
“I’ll be glad to see Bessetta. I havena visited with her in a couple of years. And I havena met Isobel yet so it will be nice to see her. Was this a planned visit?” Accalia asked.
“When they learned I was bringing you here, they wanted to visit and see you. I didna realize they already knew you. Alasdair made no mention of it. Mayhap they want to see how well we suit.”
Accalia laughed. “Oh, Bessetta would want the best for me. I thought you would have already sought her hand in marriage since she was a known quantity. She’s good with wee ones, sweet-natured, and beautiful. Taking care of the children of my pack wasna my primary duty back home because my da needed me to supervise the household staff and the castle and its grounds in its entirety when he was away at battle. But Bessetta often works with the children of her pack.”
“You are beautiful and manage the boys brilliantly. You are the one who intrigues me. Besides, I already have an alliance with Alasdair. Bessetta is a lovely lass, as willful as you, I realize. She and I are friends, but neither of us is drawn to each other in the way of the wolf.”
She nodded.
“And I wanted to make another alliance that would benefit all—your da, Alasdair, us. So you were the perfect choice—unmated, a she-wolf, love bairns—so your da said—and were perfectly agreeable to meet me and learn how we would get along.”
“It seems to me, my da exaggerated about my strengths a wee bit when he agreed to this arrangement.”
“He knew you would be happy to be here with me.” He cast her a hint of a smile.
“You were hopeful.”
“I am lucky.” Because his wolf craved her like he knewshewas interested in him. He couldn’t understand her reluctance though to take their relationship deeper. She would manage the staff and be a mother to his boys. He would protect her from Freigard and his men, and her da wouldn’t have any further say in who he might pawn her off on.
Erik believed he was likable, except when he encountered a devil wolf like Freigard who brought out the worst in him. Then, yes, he could become easily angered, but it was justified. He trusted his ability to be a fantastic partner, to bring pleasure to his mate, and to demonstrate his love for her. So why wasn't he succeeding?
“What about the men who came from your homeland? Are they going to cause trouble for you?”
“Nay. They chose Leifson over us, and they’ll have to deal with him.”
“Good. I would say the same.”
He was glad to hear it because if they thought alike, they could lead the pack more successfully.
“After the meal, how about I gather a guard detail while you put the lads to bed so we can run as wolves?” Erik asked.
Her eyes widened a bit, and he wondered why, then he thought maybe it was because he didn’t order her to do it but asked.
Then she smiled. “Of course. But you should say good night to your sons.”
She was right.
“I will the next time. I must ensure Ragnoff and his cousins leave the castle after we eat.”
She smiled and looked relieved.
Suddenly, there was a flurry of panic from the servers for the meal and some people sitting at the lower tables. They rushed out of the great hall and Accalia got up from her chair, but Erik grabbed her hand and said, “They’re shifting.”
Her eyes widened and she sat down at the table. “Oh…oh, because you and your pack members turned them.”
“Aye, and they canna control the shift during the full moon phase,” Erik said. “Likewise, they canna shift into their wolves during the new moon phase. They know to stay here at the castle during the full moon and if the need to shift comes over them, they take care of it.”
“But all of your people were bornlupus garous?”